Immigrants Are Criminals? A Very Strange Argument From Twitter

in #life7 years ago

This is one of those cases where I think we must simply blame the public education system and poor rhetorical skills.


I just saw this on Twitter

Screen Shot 2017-11-01 at 8.46.30 PM.png

So... apply the framework argument of "criminals don't follow laws" therefore gun laws are useless to immigration, which would equal:

Immigrants don't follow laws therefore immigration laws are useless.

I don't think this is what they meant... but it's hard to tell what, in fact, the DID mean.

They either think that

  1. Gun laws AND immigration laws are bad
  2. Gun laws and immigration laws are GOOD, and should BOTH be enforced
  3. They understand things with they clearly don't.

I'm leaning towards #3

The whole reason I saw this tweet was because of a thread where I was asking if Chuck Schumer was, in fact, the author of the the Diversity Visa Program, and the person above responded to me thusly:

Screen Shot 2017-11-01 at 8.59.32 PM.pngScreen Shot 2017-11-01 at 9.00.06 PM.png

Did you notice that my last reply has a like? Yeah, that was from them.

Screen Shot 2017-11-01 at 9.00.20 PM.png


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This is the kind of super confusing interactions I have with people online that makes me second-guess myself.

Am I the problem?

Are all of these people -- who are seemingly completely clueless -- actually making valid deductive statements... and I'm the one who's crazy?

Presumably, to this person, my question:

"So Chuck didn't write the program?"

was somehow answered by saying:

"One person can't be responsible for a law."


What do you think?

I try to actually understand what people are trying to say -- I honestly don't like taking people out of context or misunderstanding them.

Honestly, I have my learning period where I just wanted to turn a phrase and try to pigeonhole people into positions of my choosing (rather than their own positions), but I'm past that now -- well past it.

Now, I just want to understand what people are actually trying to say. And it turns out that approach creates far more confusion than trying to trick people and trip people up, because it turns out that MOST PEOPLE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY'RE SAYING.

And it seems to be getting a lot worse.

But I submit myself to your opinions... so tell me what you think! :D


Follow me @shayne


this is sad cause the rhetoric is coming from the president and his base is picking it, if you look back at las vegas shooting, the perpetrator was an american born and raised and he killed more people than the new york attacker, this is a one sided foolish conversation from people who dont want to think. more people are killed in gun violence in america that by terrorist. wake up america and sort the mess within before pointing fingers at immigrants

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