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RE: Everyone Seems Normal Until You Get To Know Them

in #life7 years ago

I think we all tend to categorize people like that and slap labels where we maybe spot on or wrong with the label we place on a person. This I think comes from societal conditioning, the need to put an answer on the mysteries of life all around us. Nothing wrong with it but sometimes its a mission we do that tends to not always be a fact about a person. Trust me I do it too, I think people watchers tend to normally cast that label because we have that experience to view the world from the outside looking in. My thing is more against what psychology does with constant medications for every last quirk a person has, seems there is a pill for every aspect of who we are and I think its treading on a dangerous ground to conform the masses into mindless zombies so society can feel safe. Fear of human strangeness seems to have taken us to a level of making everyone the same, its just never going to work that way...we are all born with our own inner differences and that is the beauty of life and being human I believe. But its normal to label...we all do that and wonder sometimes why that is


Ohh then I totally didn't get your point :-)

but yes I agree with you. People who stand out of the masses seem to be weirdos and have some kind of illness or complexes and definitely need to get some medication ( I hope my sarcasm gets through here since it is sometimes hard through the internet).

But yes to be different is probably hard and comes with a lot of lonlyness if you dont want to give in. But I also think if you can find your "niche" and some support there it is managble.

All the people I admire seem to have broken the rules of society at one point and most of them say it was hard and they had often a lack of support or understanding. But they created something new or changed the world.

Embrace the difference.

On another note I just thought today "Steemit sometimes sucks people dont respond on their comments anymore" but you really proved me wrong there.

On another note that there is a pill for everything now is imo a clever mix of marketing and greed of a certain industry which makes pills. People will always look for quick fixes and buy them if you tell them long enough it will help solve problem x and y.

I kind of mind f@%Ked with this post lol....little hidden message in there but my oddness may have not come through within the writing but that is the glory of writing, it can be interpreted in a way that fits for the individual and not that

Man do I agree with you about Steemit and the lack of interaction going on here lately. I have slowed down a lot here to take pause on what is going on with this community, well and I took a gig over at Visio with their marketing so its been hard to find time to write. My worry with Steemit is a flood of nonsense seems to be slipping in, the art forms this could have held high seems to be drowning out in the noise. I firmly believe in interaction though here, if someone takes a moment to write I feel its only right to respond...but I am a social guy always loving opinions from other sources than myself lol.

I am the same way, I am with more admiration for those that broke the rules and reached out to step above society to provide positive change. Risk takers with a drive for something better is ones I think we should all look up to.

I think we are at a strange stage in society, its kind of why I gave scientific facts about common strange habits then went into the spiel about the need to embrace the odd quirks people have. My view is this, does it really matter as to why we do what we do, the little habits and what nots? Sure the fact finding missions are interesting and I get the need to label and get answers on a lot of life's mysteries but is it really that serious if someone has a few odd behaviors that doesn't disrupt society? I notice the last few years its infomercial after another trying to sell something that will fix every last aspect of human behavior, from bad habits to true psychological issues we seem to want a pill for every occasion. Its worries me some, all these chemicals feeding into average lives with years down the road major consequences unseen yet.

To me it appears a dumb down platform to keep people in check, to kill the free thinking in some areas but maybe my quirk is a little paranoia lol.

Yes, you are right.

While I think some pills/medication has its place (depression fe), I have seen in my personal envirment how it can fuck with people if it is used as the endgamefix.

And I totally agree, if you have some small "tics" you dont need to bother getting rid of them. The world is much more colorful if we dont are all the same.

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