19 Things That Prove We've All Become Our Parents

in #life6 years ago

When you're a kid, you roll your eyes at almost anything your parents do. They're crazy!

But as you grow up, suddenly many of their quirks start to make sense to you.

This is usually a traumatic experience for people. They wake up one day and realize they're old.

(Unsupported https://giphy.com/embed/TfseOfhwd6BJC)

If you’re older than like 25, you’ve probably had at least a couple moments where you go, “Oh no. I’m my mom.”

Or you’ll yell at a kid on your lawn and say, “This is it. I’m officially my dad.”

On Twitter, #SignsYouveBecomeYourParents is too real.

via: Twitter

Look, the second you start paying your own electric bill, you become super conscious of when lights are needlessly left on.

via: Twitter

These cookie tins have never been filled with cookies.

They’re always filled with sewing supplies or craft stuff or even old photos.

via: Twitter

OK if this is a sign that you’ve turned into your parents, then I became my parents when I was 12 years old.

I’d be at bar and bat mitzvahs going, “Thank goodness I’m not near the speakers and the dance floor.”

via: Twitter

If you don’t have an entire cabinet dedicated to plastic grocery bags you never use, are you even an adult?

The next one is for the frugal people in the bunch.

- The story continues 1/4-

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