[Living By Example] - How I Dealt With A Herniated Disc

in #life7 years ago (edited)

In early 2011 I unfortunately herniated my L5 and S1 discs and found myself in a lot of pain and discomfort. I did it very easily and it is a reminder to make sure that we respect this important part of our body. Back injuries suck!!

For someone who has always been sporty, active and mobile this was very frustrating.

It was actually really depressing.

So what did I do?

I have never been one to stand down or take the easy way out and that particular year was a challenging one for me for a number of personal reasons and I was focusing on self development and my physical fitness and at the same time I was dealing with a debilitating back injury.

Looking back it was the most challenging year of my life in so many ways.

So I stepped up my training when most people would slow down and stop even under the guidance of external advice.

Avoiding strength worked just did not sit well with me and that seemed to be counter productive.

So..I continued my fitness program and in fact stepped it up.

I was training once a day and some times twice.

Due to the pain and the back injury I did however modify my skills which included a very focused stretching and release protocol on a daily basis.

I wanted the pain gone. I wanted to fix it.

I was stretching at least 30-60 minutes before work everyday and before every gym session. I removed all heavy lifting (deads / overheads/ back squats), focused on dumbbells, kettlebells, sprinting and specific machines like the seated row and cables to ensure my progress was maintained.

I used the roller and ball and worked my entire muscle lines from the back, glute, piriformis, ITB, calf and the foot.

It was tedious however I could not operate unless I at least spent some time loosening up the muscles.

I had a plan, had my music playlist and it became a routine.

I lost 20kg in just over a month that year (yes I was not in good shape at the time) and moved my fitness to a new level and 9 months later my back injury had subsided and I felt great.

I give credit to the fact I did not stop, I was consistent and I did all the release work.

I also used visualisation techniques to encourage recovery.

The main reason I am writing this is because it happened to me again this year, 6 years after the first incident.

In Feb 2017, I re-injured my back with a silly moment in my gym when I landed heavily on my heels after falling from the monkey bars.

The shock wave went up my legs into my back and boom I was at square one.

I could not walk for a week and the pain was ridiculous.

It is now December, again 10 months on, and only this week have I had my back recover to a point where I feel I can start training with more dynamics and confidence.

I have been reminded that we are precious and mobility and attitude comes before everything else.

The attached photos are a variety, not all, of the mobility skills I did on a daily basis to get through and find recovery and remember I also focused on core and back strength.

Hope this helps those who have a similar story and/or are facing similar pain.

I have been there and gotten through.....twice.

If in doubt always see your Physio and get second opinions on everything and make sure to do the exercises and never give up.








SOURCES: All words in my post are my own including rights to all images and music where relevant. Videos are also linked to their relative sources.

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Great post @sebastianjago thanks for sharing, glad to hear you're feeling better now!

It has taken some time however, yes, feeling great.

Thank you for the super informative post and for sharing some excellent techniques to help with this injury!

I have had my fair share of injuries too - they do suck but it's great when you make small consistent changes everyday which move you forward more quickly.

The bonus (if any) is you certainly learn more about your body and learn to appreciate it at another level.

See you in the gym ;)

All injuries suck! Therefore it is important to avoid them. If you are training and getting injured most likely the training needs to be addressed. More focus on mobility and recovery.

Knowing and seeing you go through this period, was defiantly tough. Its remarkable to see the injury has subsided with the help from basic mobility stretches and of course time/rest. good to see that your feeling better . Great work Sab !

Thanks mate. Yes it truly sucked. Nothing worse than a back injury as you simply can't do what you need to do.

I'm also suffering from back pain, and it really sucks. It has slowed me down many times. However, reading your post, has given me a new inspiration and I thank you for that. Now I'm gonna deal with it your way 🙂

There is always something we can do on a daily basis that will get us to where we need to do. It takes focus. That is where the secret to success is. Consistency and focus.

So glad to hear you are feeling better this week! Your persistence and effort is inspiring to hear about after such an injury! Attitude and hard work definitely pays off!

Everything is mindset. Everything is connected. Persistence is the difference between success and failure in many cases.

Keep it up and keep the spirit up

Will do! :)

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Yoga, as a disciplined method for attaining a goal and as techniques of controlling the body and the mind refreshing.Yoga save us my body injury problem.

Yoga is great. Takes discipline however you always feel good afterwards. Harder than it looks.

i couldn't even imagine how terrible the pain would be at that moment but thing like this make us stronger just like it has made you the perfect man

That's a wonderful blog you shared today thanks for telling about this

The pain could be feel here while reading you are an inspiration truly

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