[Perspective] - Getting Real About Your Fitness

in #life6 years ago (edited)


There is no doubt we can do more and for me this industry is about making personal contributions that entice and encourage change.

Disruptive information, better attitudes and a focus on holistic, realistic and sustainable methods.

Getting real with fitness and health as a whole.

People need to cut the ego and focus on the behavioural habits and routines that will support better living.

How you look in the mirror is a reflection of what you do most often and on a consistent basis.

Feeling good is a by product of your action and effort.

Find a great coach, find a great community and stick to them often.

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~ Sebastian

Please NOTE: All videos and articles are not financial advice. These are 100% personal commentaries and opinions.


SOURCES: All words in my post are my own including rights to all images and music where relevant. Videos are also linked to their relative sources.

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I love the fact the community you’ve created isn’t ego driven - I feel like I’ve found somewhere that allows me to grow and do what I need to do for me with no judgement and a hell of a lot of good people, and for that I am very grateful for all you do and have done :)

And grow you have. Keep going. There will always be competitive aspects to the gym and our training which entices more effort and intensity. This is healthy. However inflated ego will be pushed to the door as personally I can’t be bothered with it and it can be toxic. We have to do the best we can in a shared environment and remember people have their own journeys and struggles. Sometimes people just have bad days too. All we can do is lead the way with our own dedicated focus to humble self improvement. I am grateful for everyone in our space. We are lucky to have such a good crew. The rotten apples 🍎 and slightly sour grapes will take time to mature and find their way.

100% Agree Sab. Thank you for the post.

Yes this excellent we change routine change charisma love sports much a form of happiness in life

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