My Last Steemit Post

in #life7 years ago (edited)

This is my last Steemit post. It's been fun, but I will not continue posting here.

I stayed late at the office today, and was the last one to leave.

When I finally decided that it was time to leave, it turned out that a co-worker had probably forgotten a certain key in his pocket. The significance of said key was that it unlocks a door that my coat was behind.

My wallet and car keys are in the coat's pocket. It's freezing cold and windy right now in Finland.

I work a 45 minutes to an hour long drive from my home.

I of course tried messaging and calling my co-worker, to no avail.

In the end, what had to transpire was me finding a way to get home without my coat and everything that was in the pockets. My home keys were in my pants pocket, thankfully.

So, I took a train, with no money and had my fingers crossed that I'd be faced with an understanding conductor. Fortunately, I was. I think he believed my story of undoubted hilarity due to the fact that I indeed had no coat on me.

After the train trip, I jogged home for about 30-40 minutes in the freezing cold wind with no coat or gloves.

So, what does this have to do with this being my last Steemit post?

Well, first thing tomorrow morning I am strangling my co-worker, which basically means that I'm going to be put away for a long time, if not for life. I don't think they allow an internet connection in prison.

Now of course, if I'm ever released, I will definitely come back and start a posting series called "A Geek in Prison II" and probably reap massive rewards.

It's been fun, y'all!



During this last night of freedom, I will use my remaining time to practice proper soap grip.

So I won't drop it..

A wise move...I recommend soap-on a-rope!

put the remaining time in use and contact Charlie, he for sure can give away some tips for your time in :)

Haha, nice one, had me on the edge of the seat the whole article cause of the title xD

As of the time I am typing this, there are 32 views and 32 votes LOL.

That is a killer response rate as opposed to what I am seeing a lot of here with the the votes but nobody opening our posts. LOL

I hope you have a better nite than you did trip home!

Thank you!

I think people open this because they're expecting an epic ragequit post.

It was super clickbait lol, but I am a Minnow, so I am used to being the bait hahaha

also, wtf its been windy today!

Chilling! I knew in the morning when I opened the door, and the wind almost took it with it, that it was gonna be a bad day.

Can offer my services as an aider, abetter and co-felon?
You poor guy.
Brandy ... actually forget that ... whisky!

I dare not to drag you down with me, man. :)

And in some prisons even have internet, at least in that where I work ...

Awesome! I may be able to start my series on my first day in jail!

Shit happens!
Looking forward to reading your secret messages sent from jail.
It will be interesting to see you wihtout hair....:-))

Do prisoners have to shave their heads? I may have to re-think this whole thing..

I don't think it works like that - I think you are subjected to a hair cut which would make sheep wince!

LOL - yeah maybe you should ;-))

Where's your hat young fellow? Yer gonna catch cooold!
Sweet adventure Nordic Man.

It would mess up my hair.

Lol that was fun.. I mean.. the story for sure

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