Amidst All the Negativity: I Bought a PS3 with Steemit Money

in #life8 years ago (edited)

There's been a ton of negativity on Steemit lately. I'm not going to mention anything specific, but I'm sure people are aware.

So, I'd like to take this opportunity right now to make a positive announcement: I am now an owner of a Playstation 3, which I paid for with money made on Steemit.

This is something that Facebook has not done for me in 9 years, and Steemit did in six months or so.

Steemit is not all I'd want it to be, but it's still pretty cool to be rewarded when someone finds my stuff fun, informative and/or entertaining.

I'm not a massive gamer, so I wasn't really interested in buying one of the most modern consoles, but the PS3's price has dropped so low and has the ability to buy some older titles from my childhood from the PS Network as a bonus that it felt like a good purchase.

And I've had much fun with it so far.

Though I didn't remember Metal Gear Solid being this so damn frustrating, hah. It's probably been close to fifteen years since I've played the original, and even the 2 and 3 I haven't touched since my PS2 broke a long time ago.

So, yeah, I still run into comments from non-Steemians saying "I will believe in Steemit once I see someone buy something with their Steemit rewards", which is pretty unfortunate because these people have made up their minds without even checking out the platform.

But I'll at least tell people now that I have a PS3 that was purchased with Steemit rewards.



What an excellent comment, my friend. Truly astounding. If there's ever a comment hall of fame on Steemit, this will be the near the top.

If not at the very top.

Fantastic work.

I guess someone has put his coding skills to work. :P

Nah, just some insider humor.

Damn, add a /s or something, you got me good.

Haha, yeah I wasn't being serious :P

Wonderful! I'm so happy for you to have purchase something meaningful for you with Steem!

I had to laugh, though when you said the PS3 was from your childhood. I was in my 20s when I purchased the original Nintendo for my son in the 80's!

I still have it (as well as two others) and lots of games, though I need to replace a part in it so it (and the others) will work again. I look forward to playing Tetris, the original Donky Kong and the original Mario Brothers (I have yet to save the Princess - :-P!)

Hah, no, the PS3 is not from my childhood. I can buy old PS1 games from the Playstation Network.

My childhood was also very much NES and SNES, both of which I still own and play. :)

Have you played the original Super Mario Bros. 2?

Actually recently made a post about it

Yeah, I've played MB2. I just want to save the princess at least once, lol!

This is something that Facebook has not done for me in 9 years, and Steemit did in six months or so.

Nice statement and nice toy. But please don't forget to keep on posting here over it :-)

Hah. Actually, one of the things I've noticed is that I'm not a kid anymore. What I mean is that I can't sit and play for too long. I can maybe go an hour at a time.

So, yeah, hear that mom? I'm finally listening to you!

LOL - she may be proud of you!

So playing games is like partying when we get older? No marathons here anymore?
I hope there will be still some things we are able to sweat out during more than one hour...:-D

As a matter of fact.

I've owned a dog now for a little over a year. My mom has a kennel, and I bought him from her. I've been walking it quite a lot, and the other day I wanted to test out jogging with him, and I was surprised by the fact that I could just go and go without getting tired.

Pretty cool.

Awesome, that gives me some hope!

i have to say that i am glad that i am not aware of the negativity lol
nice purchase! i still stick with my old n64 haha

Nintendo 64 was, and is, amazing. I'd like to play Goldeneye again some day. It also still has the best wrestling game ever made in WWF No Mercy. :D

I loved that as a kid.

Good for you. Good post

COol story bro! Take some picture of it and add it to this post. The get it on the search engines to prove to the steemit nay-sayers that you actually bought something with steem/SBD

I didn't think this was possible, but after having read your post, it is; great post!!

One question to the poster of this article: How did you do it?

How did I craft such an awesome, amazing and earth shattering post that will forever alter the collective subconscious of the human race?

It's a secret.

How much did you get it? Last year I sold away my ps3 + 25 games for ~300 usd.. but i was just taking up the very first offer

60 bucks! 500gb. It was a very limited sale offer on Gamestop. I was surprisingly spontaneous; I often think lng and hard, even for months, about every purchase that's not food, but when I heard 60 bucks, I thought okay.

Wanted to buy it with Steemit money just for the feeling of doing so, hah.

It's nice to have a modern console, even though I'm no hardcore gamer.

How great is that! That's one of the things that makes Steemit so much better than other platforms. No, it's not a get rich quick thing, but it has a nice and active community and, once in a while, if you actively participate, you get rewarded.

One day, I hope I can tell everyone I bought a macro lens for my Steemit earnings :-)

Enjoy your PS3!

If only I could figure out how to convert my steem money to dollars, I might be able to get something cool.
I grew up with the N64. My brother got it one of the first days it was out since he had a job at Toys R Us and had connections. My friends all had Playstations and I thought they were nuts for their 32bit graphics and loading times. I guess we can see who won that competition!

Maybe ask around in the General room in the Steemit chat about how it's done in your country?

You need to convert STEEM/SBD to Bitcoin at an exchange, such as Poloniex or Bittrex, and then exchange the Bitcoin for the fiat currency you want.

I've watched a few videos and read a bunch of posts about "how to make money on steemit" and most aren't terribly clear. I think I would do it by selling on the steemit market. I see my wallet getting fatter, I guess that's a good thing, but it would be nice to actually make that fat wallet useful lol

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