Routine is the KEY to success, but what if you hate routines!

in #life8 years ago (edited)

So to be honest, I hate routines. I mean I really dislike the whole idea of it. However, a vast majority of successful people (not all, but ALOT) are routine machines. The list of successful folks like this are endless, from Warren Buffet to Kobe Bryant (in his playing days). They have daily practices of tasks that are done like clockwork.

How does someone who hates routine embrace routine?!

Well, I have come to realize there is a way. Really it’s about they way we view routine. When I think of routine all I would think is doing a set thing at a set time each and every day. For someone who craves flexibility and freedom the idea of this makes me cringe.

Maybe I’m blessed as my job gives me flexibility and variances in my schedule.

With that said, I struggle to find consistent momentum with a lot of things. Whether it’s a writing project, investment research or just overall productivity.

I believe this is where a routine adds it’s value. It's why successful people achieve so much. It keeps them acting!

The Power of Action

Action is what separates most of us. Routine forces us to act. How can one have consistent action without being the routine machine that they loathe.

My Light Bulb Moment
This is going to sound ridiculously simple, but the ephinany I had that changed it all for me is the idea of a floating routine.

Basically, I have routines or rituals that I will do daily (for the most) part that have no set time at all. The closest thing I have to a set routine are the items I do in the morning. However, there is now set time. They are done when I wake up. That time varies, especially on the weekends.

To give an example – one of the greatest routines that I learned in regard to writing is this; WRITE TWO BAD PAGES A DAY.

I know it sounds ridiculous, but the bottom line is when you don’t put pressure on yourself to write quality production worthy content the whole weight of the task is lifted. Plus, the writing because more free flowing and ideas that may not have come out otherwise now do.

Within those two pages a day there will be a bunch of crap and then a handful of production worthy gems that will make up your book, essay, blogpost, etc.

I do my best to write two pages a day. Does it happen everyday? Close, but NO. Does it happen at the same time each day?, Absolutely NOT. That’s the beauty of it. It has become a routine for me, but it doesn’t at all feel like a routine to me.

My conclusion is that when we look at routines as a flexible entity that adds value as opposed to a drill sergeant that says eat at this time, write at this time, then it doesn’t feel like a burden anymore.

Atleast it doesn’t for me!

For all the people that have set routines and thrive. Trust me. I envy you as I know it would make me that much more productive, but in the end not happy. We all have to follow the paths that work for us and do our best to make the most of it.

Your scaredycatguide,
Mitchell J


I really love this post. Reading your description when I went to follow you has me further intrigued to explore your blog. I am someone who badly wishes, like you, that I could follow a set schedule. But recently have come to the same sort of personal understanding that I could struggle to fit myself into an uncomfortable box or I could figure out how to make the box a better fit for me. By taking action in writing and sharing ideas making mistakes and preserving I have found that a daily action list is the most intensive form of routine that works for me right now and each day I get a better understanding of how to master my environment and be my best self. Nice to have some reassurance, thank you for creating this post. Can't wait to read through your blog some more!

Thank you. I do my best to provide value add posts for people to read. Hopefully you find more gems within my blog, there is much there since this post.

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