Could childless leaders be the death of Europe?

in #life7 years ago

Something that always strikes my mind when I see how things are turning out in my neighbouring country, Sweden, and even in my own country - I think about the future of my kid.


How will it be for him to grow up in a multicultural country? We see how parts of our cities are no go-zones or at least unsafe and not very pleasant. Gangs of immigrants roaming the streets, blacks and arabs born and raised in our country who can't even speak our language, blaming white people for their misfortune, even though they've been handed everything over to them (Yes, that's the biggest error we've done - not having any demands)

And the frustration towards our politicians grows lagers, because people don't understand WHY they are taking this HUGE risk with their own population. When they see what happens when third world immigrants become 30-40 and even 50% of the population in a geographical area - crime increases, rapes increases and unsafety for other ethnicities, especially whites increases dramatically. At 50-60% third world immigrant rate, not even the police or ambulances can travel there. This tendency we can see all over the West.

As a parent, after your child has fallen to sleep - sometimes you just start sobbing because you love your child so much. All you wish for is his/her well being. You beg that you don't die before he grows up, you beg that he stays healthy and happy. Sure, life is also about dealing with the fact that things arent always going to go your way. You might fail at things, you will experience retarded people, you can get ill. That's the reality of life. But what annoys me (to put it mildly) is the irresponsibility that our politicians are showing. The signs are right there! Why continue? This won't end well.

I remember a time before my son was born. I was not afraid to die, or afraid of him dying (obviously, he did not exist). I did not care. I was more or less nihilist. I just did whatever I felt like. I don't think I even had any values or morals. Sure, I wouldn't do certain things, like scam people or hit someone just for the fun of it. But to me, western politicians could as well just burn down the West. What did I care. I would be glad. I didn't even like all those snobby families with a big house, car, children..something to live for and fear of losing. I had not much to lose, except perhaps my precious Playstation.

Childless politicians

Who else doesn't have children? Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, Theresa May and Italian Prime minister Paolo Gentiloni. Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte, Swedish Prime minister Stefan Lofven (who was even brought up in fostercare), Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, Scottish First minister Nicola Sturgeon and EU commission President Jean-Claude Juncker.

Countries that have a more restrictive immigrant politics - and where debate is alive?

Norway's prime minister Erna Solberg has children. Danish prime minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen has children. Polish prime minister Beata Szydło has children.

There is definitely as pattern here.

Political leaders without this experience of parenthood may be susceptible to the idea that people are blank-slates, interchangable units of human capital.

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My stance is that state leaders should (must) have children. If not, they should refrain from taking leading positions. It is so obvious I cannot really figure why people elect people like Merkel. Time to show some responsibility and start poppin' out some mini-Merkels perhaps? An IQ test should also be warrant, so we do not risk electing plain stupid politicians, such as Raymond Johansen, which I know is not very gifted. Also, the higher the IQ, the more libertarian you are. If you look at the Founding Fathers, the very supersmart and very libertarian dudes. Compare that with today's brainwashed feminazi politcians. Huge difference!

Excellent point. It's hard to care about tomorrow if you don't have to worry about the children who will inherit that tomorrow.
Speaking of which - I was reading yesterday about the case of a German girl raped and killed by an Afghan migrant. Her father works for the European Comission and the girl herself volunteered in migrant centers. I can't imagine the hell that father must be going through. Losing a child is horrible enough, knowing you might have had a hand in it...

Thanks for your thoughts (as always @ladyrebecca), as much as I think that murder is horrible, I don't mourn for people who's values i have no respect of. Murder is always wrong, I'm sure it's horrible for the father, and what a living hell it must have been for that girl as it happened. I cant imagine the horror. And you're probably right - what horror for the father, losing a child because of your own irresponsible acts.

But emotionally, I'm not there. I only have so much love and grief to give, and I will only give it to those I cherish for their spiritual beauty, who'm I respect and who'm I love. I will not grief for those who chose to be intellectually lazy and carried through with this madness on the expense of the rest of us. We would receive zero empathy if we died, from these people.

I don't feel anything.

lol sorry to inform you, but the father still support invaders. What a surprise, it's deep neuronal hacking that those people have been subjected to. there is nothing to hope from them, but just wishing them a swift, calm and peaceful death. There are others cases that are fun, like all those girls raped by invaders who to not offend their rapists chose to hide physical characteristcs of their rapists (black, north african, etc).

Look : 11 years old girl raped by 28 african : verdict : UNGUILTY... and the judge is still alive... lol
bunch of real cucks and betaslaves.

Sweden is pretty much done :(

What most don't see on the surface is so much deeper than what visibly manifests already. This already predetermined the trend and the direction beyond of point of no return. Regardless of whether future politicians will have kids or not.

The whole Europe is slowly but surely is following the trend and probably will be over in our lifetimes. :(

The worst is that there is no real freedom of speech anymore and problems are not recognized, while those that are recognized are not dealt with (the real roots of them). People who sound legitimate alarms silenced. Those few who are not silenced ridiculed and shamed and blamed for speaking out and certainly not listened to. Largely ignored even by their peers. They certainly have no power to change anything because there is no critical mass. Most people are sheep. Politicians have their own agenda and don't represent the will of the people anymore. (Did they ever?) When there will be a critical mass it will be way too late already. That's the time when the society will explode and there will be civil unrest in lots of places.

Maybe I'm just too pessimistic about it but when I try to model in my mind where things could go from here and how, based on the patterns and trends that I can clearly see, unfortunately I don't see a rosy outcome no matter how I look at it.

Hope for the best though.

Overall, things tend to get better. But usually only after they got worse. Which makes sense if you assume some sort of cycle mechanics, ie. a complacent voter base that needs to be awakened from its sleep into which it fell after a long period of relative calm.

Except when something crosses a point of no return. Then no matter who you vote for will have the same problem on their hands that will take generations to solve. Also painful to solve. Most politicians would go populist route rather than honestly present painful cures. People would rather rob their children and grand children but would not vote for painful measures now.

Political leaders without this experience of parenthood may be susceptible to the idea that people are blank-slates, interchangable units of human capital.

You make an interesting point and there's probably some truth to it, but I suspect it has more to do with management culture than parenthood. I'd be really interested to see if there is any research on this.

That's an interesting point. I had never thought about that before, but it makes you think... If you don't have children you don't know what precious little beings they are.

A person with parental experience will always be a better leader

Wow. Thanks for the information. Wasn't even aware of that circumstance.

Good articel

thanks for share this post, i upvote you

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