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RE: Social Hangover

in #life5 years ago (edited)

It depends if you are an introvert on an extrovert.

Introverts gain energy from interacting with themselves, and expend that energy by interacting with others (they feel irritated/need to escape).

Extroverts gain energy from interacting with others and expend that energy interacting with themselves (they feel lonely/bored).

There are relative scales of these and most people aren't absolutely one or the other, sometimes the Introvert will become Extroverted for a short time and visa versa, but we all revert back to baseline in the end, and get a "hangover" of energy we expended.

I am a bit introverted, but don't give me a microphone ever, or my extrovert will make its presence well and truly known.


I definitely have my extrovert moments, like on the dance floor or in a small group of people, I enjoy being a centre of attention, but try and get me to make a presentation and you'll have an easier time training a lion to jump through hoops.

What will you do with a microphone, sing karaoke, tell jokes or have your Tedtalk?

Probably some kind of karaoke singing effort, or just goof around sounding like Elvis than-you-ver-muhch

Now that I know this, I'll make sure the microphone is hidden. I despise karaoke.

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