
Jesus still loves you!

All you touch and all you see is all that your life will ever be.

One day we will all stand before our creator and take account for everything we have ever said and done. If one repents and turns to Jesus then all will be forgiven and our canvas is clean. We start fresh and new. All our sins will be forgiven. It starts with Faith! Faith in God as our creator and Faith in his son Jesus Christ that died on the cross for our sins to wash us clean. The Grace we are given is a free gift and all we need to do is accept that gift and give our lives to Jesus to be saved. Our life here on this earth is more than what we see and touch. It is our chance to serve Jesus and spread the gospel to others. To do the good works that Jesus commanded. One day every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We will all see him coming in the clouds and if some are not ready by that point it will be to late. I pray that you open your heart to Jesus and repent of any sin in your life before then for we are all sinners and none was perfect accept Jesus. God Bless!

Nice meme, but wasn't Saul a Christian killer that God chose to be a great man of the gospel? If Jeffery Dahmer actually gave his life to Jesus Christ then he would be forgiven of his sins. God hates the sin and not the sinner which means if we truly give ourselves over to Jesus and we are forgiven, we are truly forgiven. Not sure if Jeffery actually did that though.

Why would omnipotent god write a very self-contradictory book through the hand of man, 2000 years ago, only in one area of the world in 2 two different languages? Pauline Epistles and gospels are in Greek, though the Torah Old Testament is in Hebrew. Let me ask you do you think god is all powerful? IF ALL POWERFUL WHY GOD DONT YOU COME SPEAK TO EVERYONE ON EARTH LOUD AND CLEAR. A very ineffective communicator your god must be.
"I realized that getting mad at religious people for believing what they believe is a bit like getting mad at a rainstorm for making things wet. A better position is to try to find a place where we can all agree on the importance of meaning derived from literature or works of the imagination. I know it would insult most Christians to consider the New Testament as a work of the imagination. But I don’t mean that in the sense that it’s all fake, but rather in the sense of drawing consolation from another person’s attempt to order the universe. Maybe that it’s just a story is the best thing it can be. " - National Geographic. source

I cannot answer for the as you say self-contradictory areas in the Bible. I have not seen as much. We don't have the mind of God. We don't see things the way he does. We have worldly views of all things. As for the 2 languages, from what I understand they fit the times and areas. As for the one place in the world, Jesus was born a Jew and the Jews were the chosen people first, then to the gentile. God had his reasons. As for God being all powerful. Oh yes! Why he doesn't come out and speak to us? Would you believe if he did? Would you then follow his son? When Jesus came they didn't believe he was the Messiah and killed him. We are given a Sovereign will to make a choice to follow Jesus and believe in God. If he spoke to us and we saw him then that would possibly change our will correct. I mean he wants us to choose him on our own, not be made to choose. As for being a religious person, I don't have religion. Most religious people tend to be book smart only and feel they are always right. I am not always right. I am human and fleshly and I make mistakes. Most religious people put me in mind of the Pharisees and Jesus was against them. I don't have all the answers for sure but in truth I have to go with what the Spirit is guiding me to. I can understand why you ask such questions and I do hope you find the answers you seek. Why not pray and ask God to give you more wisdom in this area and reveal some of these things you seek. Trust in Jesus and his word.

did you read about the police office?

Sorry i mean the police officer! He didnt follow an important rule.
"Dont trust. Verify!"

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