Why It's OK To Take A Pause Every Now And Then

in #life6 years ago


Today I was having a talk with my mother about life in general and something she said really made me think. With a wry smile on her face, she said, "Today's life is just a rat race."

I feel the same way actually and I have talked about it before too. The more I observe the daily lives of people these days, the truer that statement seems.

This seems even truer when I put into contrast the life of today with the life that my parents speak of hving lived back in the 70s and 80s. What a world of difference it is!

Life today, seems like a never stopping hamster wheel where we are the hamster and the wheel is the world. Although we like to label it as 'progress' or 'necessity' owing to competition and what not, I think it is still okay for you to take a pause every once in a while.

Relax Man! Take It Easy.


When you're buried in work load and you just have to finish one task after the other, or when you're going through that phase, when you're shuffling one pile of work after the other, it is easy to get frustrated and even angry at someone who would suggest you to take a break.

I have had my fair share of outbursts to be frank. In the moment you just want to get done as much as possible no matter how much toll it's taking on the body or mind.

Many, many years down the road, however, you realise the importance of just taking out little time for yourself and what and who you love as you begin to undertake the final journey towards the inevitable.

This reminds me of a line in one of my favourite songs "The Nights" by Avicii, "One day you'll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember."

Live A Life You'll Remember


Now, I'm not one of those people who would suggest you or myself, to simply quit your jobs and go on an adventure, whatever that may constitute for you.

The realist part of me doesn't believe in that because at the end of the day, you still need food on your table. But what you can do, is take bits and pieces of time here and there for yourself and simply do what you love.

What I'm really saying is, do not burn yourself to the ground toiling away just because the next person is doing the same. Remember, life doesn't have to be a rat race.

Of course, we would all love to 'get there' as soon as possible but do it in style, people! Cruise your entire way through cherishing the moments that pass by.



sbka khoon aise hee chusti hh...

sbka to pta nhi tera jarur choos lungi sara :/


This is what I was thinking the other day too. One one hand, all the effort and team work people are doing is causing technology to progress rapidly, and therefore making our lives more comfortable, but on the other hand, the never ending fierce competition we face and the higher skills required for jobs, is taking a toll on our emotional and physical health. Rather than making people happier, this is making them more stressed. So, technological progress is a kind of double edged sword. Maybe decentralization and sharing economy is gonna help more people to be self employed, and thus make them happier. Lets hope :)

Yeah, people are more miserable today than ever and it pains me to see what we have become as a civilisation. Sure we have achieved marvellous things but at what cost?

Your mum must be a wise woman @sauravrungunta kudos to her.Some times we allow ourselves get so overwhelmed with life burdens we forget to breathe.

haha yeah, she is!!

That's so true. We forget to breathe...

Thank you for this post. A lot of people today are so caught up in their desire to be successful and make a lot of money that they totally disregard their mental and physical health. It's important to have enough money to survive, but personally, I don't think it's worth it to make a lot of money at the expense of your health.

Talking about mental health, I feel people to evaluate themselves after work each day to check their thoughts vs the day just as a way of ascertaining their state of mind

That's exactly how I think of it as well. All the progress shouldn't come at the cost of our well being and peace.

I have a friend who would always say "live your life".
I'm of the opinion that you let go of yesterday since it's now in the past and focus on the next thing.
Comparison is a key to failure or uselessness.
Forget the past, embrace your future

That is true. I was talking however about taking pauses from the immense amount of work that people do these days.

man ,really to say the truth I notice this too while I was trying to catch the life I started ruining everything , but when I decided to feel every thing as slow as it should be I really started tasting the life ... every thing changed and I started living happy and satisfied with every thing happens to my life

Yeah, a lot of it has to do with our perception too. We just perceive life today as a race and that's how we start treating all aspects of it. Change the perception and be happy :)

Really i appreciate you.

This is such a hard thing to do for people. I know for me with work, kids and all the rest it can be so easy to get caught up in the “rinse-repeat” nature of things. All of a sudden you pause to look around and weeks have disappeared like a puff of smoke in the sky. My partner and I try to take the occasional day just for ourselves. She has Monday’s off and I will take a day off so it’s just us and nothing to think about. If only for that one day we are worry free and responsibilities are paused. I have to tell you that I am truly enjoying reading your philosophy on life. I look forward to the next.

"All of a sudden you pause to look around and weeks have disappeared like a puff of smoke in the sky" THIS!!! Time seems to just pass by like nothing! On a larger scale, people realise this when they are much older and feel like their entire lives passed right in front of their eyes and then they are filled with regrets.

You are doing a very necessary thing taking the day off to be with your loved ones. That is something that is missing with people today. :)

Thanks, What is the purpose of working away your time if you never take a moment to stop and enjoy the finer things in your life. Work will be there tomorrow.

Nice post... Really..

Important to pause and evaluate if we are living it or it's just passing by

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