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RE: Why It's OK To Take A Pause Every Now And Then

in #life6 years ago

This is such a hard thing to do for people. I know for me with work, kids and all the rest it can be so easy to get caught up in the “rinse-repeat” nature of things. All of a sudden you pause to look around and weeks have disappeared like a puff of smoke in the sky. My partner and I try to take the occasional day just for ourselves. She has Monday’s off and I will take a day off so it’s just us and nothing to think about. If only for that one day we are worry free and responsibilities are paused. I have to tell you that I am truly enjoying reading your philosophy on life. I look forward to the next.


"All of a sudden you pause to look around and weeks have disappeared like a puff of smoke in the sky" THIS!!! Time seems to just pass by like nothing! On a larger scale, people realise this when they are much older and feel like their entire lives passed right in front of their eyes and then they are filled with regrets.

You are doing a very necessary thing taking the day off to be with your loved ones. That is something that is missing with people today. :)

Thanks, What is the purpose of working away your time if you never take a moment to stop and enjoy the finer things in your life. Work will be there tomorrow.

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