Why It Is Important To Define What Success Is To You

in #life6 years ago


If the world seems more and more like a hamster wheel to you, that’s because we have been acting like hamsters. For far too long now, we have been running and running, without stopping to consider why and when to stop.

Some of us just keep running because we see our fellow hamsters running as well, and there is an illusion that we will be left behind, while in reality, everyone is in the same boat, or in the same hamster wheel in this case.

What I am alluding to here, is success, or rather the idea of success concocted by the modern lifestyle, fed to us by various vested entities.

When you take a look around, doesn’t it seem to you like everyone’s running towards success, perhaps without much understanding of what it really even means for them?

Success Doesn’t Always Mean Money


We are all unique individuals. No two people are the same as we all have our own views of life, hopes and dreams, likes and dislikes, abilities and so on. But when it comes to success, most people have a myopic view.

If you ask ten random people, chances are that 8 of them would say that success means having lots of money, or that having a high paying job at a reputed company or something. They keep chasing it their entire lives and only when it is too late, they realise that it is too late for the other more important things in life.

This is what is actually happening these days. Everyone thinks success means money because people around them think so too. In my opinion, that is just mass conformity at play.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Money sure is important in today’s world. A lot of things have become a necessity today and we need money to be able to afford those. And that is not all. To enjoy the different experiences that life has to offer, we need money. Plain and simple. But does that mean that money should be equated with success?

Define What Success Is To You


I mean, stop for a second and just think. If money was not a necessary factor in your life, what would you consider as success? What is that one thing that if you achieved it in your future, you would experience the utmost content?

What we all need to do is define our own success. If it is money, sure, do everything you can to earn loads of money. If it is helping people out in one way or the other, make that your life’s mission, if it is to become a great musician, then by all means, go for it.

What I’m saying is don’t go after someone else’s goals. Choose your own and only then will you be able to give your all because then you will actually care. Yes, money is important but see it as just another necessity that we have to fulfil rather than equating it with success itself.

Also, question the very word ‘success’. If you are leading a very satisfied life, isn’t that better than a successful life? Why even run after it? I think that should be our goal in the first place. To live a satisfied and peaceful life. Don’t run for the sake of running.


I think what success means to me is that pure sense of awe I see in people's eyes when I'm able to make them feel understood, inspired, and appreciated while I'm being paid for it.

It's when I know that I've sown a seed that will soon sprout and influence their very future. To stand up with them in their hardships and let them know that they are not alone.

There you go. Now that you have defined what success means to you, just keep heading in this direction and just .... do it!! Great to know that you have such a noble goal in your life!

one definition of 'success' is being 'paid to play'.

Every YouTuber will agree with you lol

they sure will!

it sure is in the modern times!! Sometimes I wish I could do that lol

It sure is in the
Modern times!! Sometimes I wish
I could do that lol

                 - sauravrungta

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

I don't think it was a haiku, bot!! See what I did there? Oh, who am I kidding. You're a bot!! Why am I even typing this...

Modern times be like
evesdropping convos between
Man and bot; I do.

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Thanks for this :)

What a quality post it is ! Excellent.
Definition of success is different for every person to person. the main thing is whether we are satisfied with it or not. If you have inner peace or not. That is the most important question.

Yes, exactly. Satisfaction is of utmost important, otherwise it just ends up being a meaningless race.

Wow!!! Well said buddy, we shouldn't forget what success truly means as a result of craving or chasing after money. Well said buddy your post was worth reading, upvoted already even though my $ isn't enough, but atleast ;)

Thank you so much for your kind words. I really appreciate it :)

Hi @sauravrungta meaning for success is different for everybody can't be same for all. for a student a success is when he clears the exam and get very good score. For an unemployed man getting a job can be named as success. But now a days most of the people think that making money and getting rich is success. I agree money is basic need for survival but after earning money peace of mind is very important. If one can ear good money and have peace of mind then that can be called a real success. you r thought is quite and somewhere I agree with you. Do you agree on mine?

Yeah I totally agree with you. Success means different things to different people and that is exactly what it should be. As you said, money is also a necessity and we just have to earn it but there should be a point after which we should feel satisfied and stop running after it.

I think success is just a perception and it is not a destiny to achieve. If a person thinks that becoming rich is success, it wont end even if he earn 1 million dollar per month, he strives to get more rich.

I think rather than aiming to become success, try to be happy in life.

I believe in this quote

success is a perception and happiness is choice.

Nice post ... i agree with you.

That's perfectly explained and completely agreed. We should try to be satisfied and happy in our lives as success can be an illusion that can never be achieved.

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