Important Things NOT Taught In School

in #life8 years ago

Looking back at life and remembering your school days can bring back some fond memories. It’s a nostalgic trip that takes you way back into the midst of foggy flashbacks and the words escape your mouth, “Ahh…the days.”

We spend almost all of our childhood in school and come to experience a lot of things for the first time during that period. We make friends, we learn things, we laugh, we cry, we grow. 

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School, as they say, is a really important part of our lives that prepares us for the next phase. Although a lot of the things learned in school might not really be helpful in your life, it still serves as a foundation of higher studies and ultimately what you become in life.

But, even though it is a ‘place for learning important things’, school really fails to teach a plethora of highly important (and very useful and routine) things of life. That, is one of the many failures of the education system. 

1. Thinking

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Much of the studying that we do at school is really swallowing up of facts and regurgitating them later during exams. Yes, there are certain subjects where you actually have to think, like in Mathematics, which just so happens to be one of the toughest subjects for a lot of students. Coincidence?

We do not train people to think, we train them to be human pen drives which is completely not necessary since we are living in the age of computers and all and that sort of thing can be easily handled for us.

It is the actual use of mind that is really valuable these days to come up with new ideas, innovations and solutions for difficult problems and it is exactly this that the schools do not teach their students.

2. Basic Money Management

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We were all aware that money is a vital part of life since our childhood but we were oblivious to how it is earned, how to manage it, where it is stored and lots of other things relating to money management.

I didn’t know how to balance my check book until I graduated college, believe it or not! Most of us have a really tough time paying our taxes which still confused me till this day.

And yet, somehow we are all supposed to know these things when we are grown up. If we were taught some basic money management in school, transition into the adult life would be much more easier.

3. Time Management Skills

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When we are at school, there is not much too do. Yes, we might have thought that we were buried in homework and study all the time, but in hindsight, those were simpler times.

When we are suddenly thrown into adulthood, we realise that there is so much stuff to do. Life somehow becomes a game of tug of war between work and personal life. Most adults still don’t know how to balance these.

If we had learnt some basic time management and productivity techniques in school or we had the remotest idea of things awaiting you in adulthood, we would be better prepared. 

4. Mental Health

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We learn many things about our physical body and health. We learn about all the organs in the body, their functions, how to keep our bodies healthy, etc.

But we seldom learn about our mental health. Nobody ever teaches in school what the mind suffers through in life. Things like depression, anxiety, stress, addiction are all common not only in adults but in children too. 

So, it would be wise if students are made aware of these issues and are given guidance on how they could go about coping with them because at one point or the other, we all face mental health issues and it would be really nice knowing what to do.


I couldn't agree more. As a teacher (and former student, myself) I see the negative effects of these shortcomings all of the time. The "thinking" bit is especially important. The cynic inside of me suspects that the lack of focus on critical thinking on our education system has more to do with forming a society that is complacent... but what do I know.

But also, to this list, I might add "Learning" I know that sounds redundant, but when I taught college classes I noticed that a lot of students didn't really know how to organize their notes or how to commit information to memory. Maybe it's becoming less relevant today to know facts off the top of your head when you can "just google it" but the process of learning (nay, the joys of learning) through repetition, organizing themes, and remembering is a skill that permeates all aspects of life especially in a time when learning new things is the modus operandi. Change is imminent, and being open to and able to learn new stuff (and fundamentally knowing the importance of learning) at all ages should be a way of life. Moreover, I get the feeling that people associate learning with mandatory school and when they finish, say after high school or college they plateau, patting themselves on the back and closing that chapter of their lives off completely.

I agree with every word you said. It is true that our education system is creating hordes of robots and there is a cynic in me that thinks the same as you sometimes.
But I believe technology is empowering people to take matter into their own hands and has actually allowed students to learn what they want how they want it (videos, pictures, text)

critical/divergent thinking and self-ownership sure won't be promoted lol

Haha, true! I wonder if it is difficult to teach or for other sinister reasons.

We have actually developed a Critical thinking and Emotional intelligence course for school. You can't imagine how difficult it is to sell! No interest.

That's the problem, isn't it. Parents and students alike have become comfortable with the established system that no one wants change. They don't realise this until later in life.

Definitely. They are not open to anything that might be beneficial to their education and further lives outside of school.

Very well said. I have often thought that kids should learn basic money management. Your other suggestions are great also.

Yup, there are a lot of other things that should be taught in school, but the article was getting longer ;) I think I ought to make a part 2 of this.

We don't even realise the importance of mental health after we start to work or start a business.

Exactly. The same happened to me too. From experience, I can tell you that it leaves an individual confused. He's like, "Whoah!! Where did all the pressure suddenly come from?"

A very real commentary which exposes a great many education issues. Thank you! Gets my vote.

Thanks for the kind words. Glad you liked it :)

This is so true and so important! I didn't know you are so wise mr!! :D haha

Yep, It's very important.
My wisdom is a result of years of training under the monks of Shaolin Temple. Shh...don't tell anybody :P

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