4 People That Inspire Me The Most

in #life6 years ago


Inspiration can come from anywhere, be it people, things, or even situations and experiences. It doesn’t matter where it comes from, in my opinion, you should be inspired by at least something or the other in life.

It acts as fire on the gasoline of your passion which sets you ablaze on the path to success. That is the way I see it and I think many of you may agree with me.

I too am inspired by a lot of things. I actually actively look for inspiration wherever I can find it because I like the fire, you see! I like the motivation it provides and I just like to take it and run with it.

As far as people go, there are 4 that really inspire me. One of these is a recent addition to the list but the rest of the three have been on my list for a long time. Today, I would like to share this list with you all.

1. Steve Jobs


If you have been reading my articles for some time, you will already know that I like to cite Steve Jobs’ quotes here and there and take examples from his life and advices to explain some of the concepts relating to views on life and sometimes technology.

There are many things about Steve Jobs that inspires me. The first one is that he managed to turn around a company that was going to go bankrupt in a few months and catapulted it to one of the richest companies today. That teaches me that nothing is impossible.

Other things that inspire me about him are his attention to details, his understanding of technology beyond just the technical aspects of it (the philosophical part of technology) and his ruthlessness, not in the sense how he used to bully people sometimes but the fact that he didn’t take no for an answer.

2. Mark Cuban


Mark Cuban is the new one on my list of people I’m inspired by, as I mentioned above. I have been binge watching a lot of Shark Tank recently and I was impressed most by Mark Cuban.

Well okay, I will admit it. The allure of being a billionaire is there of course but that is just a part of it. He belongs to the tech space so it automatically makes him interesting for me and the way he handles negotiations is so different than everyone else.

Also, some of the advices that he gives on the show and elsewhere (in interviews) on how to be successful and increase your riches really aligns with how I think personally too. Also, I love his work ethic and it is something that I want to adopt in my own life too.

3. Nikola Tesla

That's actually Tesla sitting there.

I have been a fan of Nikola Tesla ever since I came to know about him. He was a true genius who lived his entire life in the service of humanity by gifting us with so much technological innovation that we are barely even aware of.

No wonder he is called “the man who invented the twentieth century”, but it is a real surprise that there is so little mention of him in the textbooks in schools. Even I came to know about him after graduating high school. Most of the “modern world” is possible thanks to him and I suggest you do your research and I’m sure you’ll be shocked.

What I’m inspired most by Tesla is that even though he went through really harsh times, he kept on innovating because that was his passion. He kept at it and as a result, the world got so much out of it.

4. Goku (Anime Character)

Goku is the one on the left with his rival & friend Vegeta on the right.

So, if you watch anime, you will certainly know about Goku and if you don’t, let me tell you that he is the central character of a very popular anime show called “Dragon Ball Z” and “Dragon Ball Super”.

He is not a real person but if you watch the show, you will most likely be a fan of this character. Right from my childhood, I have been really inspired by Goku and all his personality traits.

I learned that no matter how much you get beaten up in life, you have to get up again, no matter how many times you fail, you have to keep going forward and become stronger than ever. I also learned that it is our individual duty to care and protect our loved ones, no matter what. And lastly, to always follow what you love. Always!


Tesla is my fav @sauravrungta

Steve Jobs is everyone's favourite.

Have you read the book, "Autobiography of a Yogi"?

It was his favourite book, and he even insisted that a copy of this book should be given to everyone at his ceremonial rights.

Mark Cuban is my favourite too, love him because of the way he thinks and his ethics and because how he described his business and personal growth by enjoying competing.

What goku teaches me is that every time we are beaten, we become stronger.

Yeah, almost everyone is influenced by Steve in one way or the other. No, I haven't read that book but I will definitely check it out now. I totally agree with what you said about Mark and Goku too. :)

This is great thing you just opened my eyes to, this is actually my first time of hearing about steve job and he is a great man to have brought a dead company back to life.

Oh wow. This is the first time you are hearing about Steve? Well, you will be really amazed the more you will read about him then. :)

Well for me the first 1 is Tesla and 2. is Einstein. But it was nice to read about the others. Have to do more research about them and their life.Can only wish for a miracle to be like them one day :)

Yeah, Einstein is another important person for humanity. We wouldn't have been this advanced if wasn't for him.

Good choice...
Tesla was truly amazing person, and perhaps the main reason why there is almost nothing about him in textbooks is because his only goal was to serve the people-to make the electrocity free for everyone.

Exactly! He took on some really powerful people who wanted to use his tech to profit or destroy it so that they could keep profiting off of theirs. It's so sad that such a great person is absent from textbooks.

Inspiration and motivation are the needed tools to good success.
Great post Sir.
I can't stop visiting your blog, its also my inspiration.

Thank you friend. actually i also look for it for a reference dsn also a reference in writing. this is good for me, I love to read much less can inspire me in writing their seosrti friends. I am ssnang able to follow you. best regards from my friends.

Thank you for the kind words :)

both friends, happy to follow you. hopefully I can learn a lot from you.

hahaha didn't expect to find Goku here but i 100% agree! What I really love with Goku is that, over the years, he manages to turn his enemies into his friends... Piccolo, Vegeta, Yamcha, even Vegeta... They are all won over by his generosity and good nature :) And that's something which is worth celebrating.

Yeah!!! That is such a great quality of Goku. Turning enemies into friends like that. The latest one happens to be the almighty Jiren :D

I am a huge fan of Shark Tank. I think that Cuban is great on that show because he is honest with his thoughts and he is willing to take a chance on something that he thinks could work as long as you have put in the work. He can smell a bad deal and someone with poor work ethic very easily. Steve Jobs was such an innovator and someone who never quit. His passion fueled the growth of a new generation of technology. I'm sure we would have gotten where we are eventually but he sped up the process.

I am a huge fan of it too. It teaches us a lot of things about the business world and how to negotiate with people in general. Mark Cuban does the best job of laying out the facts. He is kind and gives great advice.

I totally agree with what you say about Steve too. I sometimes wonder what would have happened he was never born! Would there be no good design in the world at all? :D

Steve job is most influences people specially about publick speaking

Yep that he was.

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