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RE: I'm A Sceptic Psychic. Let Me Explain.

in #life7 years ago

No please don't stop's interesting! I get it completely. I often think of religion. Spritualism is not a religion but you go to a spiritualist church and there is no doubt. They are there to show spirit exist. But my argument is, if spirit exists and i'm not saying they don't....far from it. I mean if they exist. How do they and in what make up? Do they exist in afterlife like us is it a projection of our minds?


The question of the afterlife has also always intrigued me.

I think our existence is made of planes, dimensions or realms of energy and... shtuff?...shifting in and out of each other.

We are tapping into the forces of magnetism to create quantum locking and other complicated magnetic interactions. Electrons orbit so fast they are all places at once, some scientists say literally, ALL places at once. Interconnected?

The holographic theory points towards the holographic nature of the universe and us. All information contained within every separate part. Cut a holographic plate showing a 3d hologram of an apple in half and you still get the entire image of an apple but at a lesser resolution (Im not talking about those wee hologram stickers here, I mean real holograms, star wars princess Leia "please Obi-Wan youre our only hope" holograms :) There have been cases where humans have lost part of their brain and yet still continue to function, even if at a lower "resolution".

For me this points towards connectivity. We are all connected. Do we feel that somehow? Do we tap into that somehow? like when you feel the pressure change before the rain or how the whole room can change when "that" person enters. Can you "feel" an entire societies social pressure change? I think so and think many people naturally feel that kind of stuff without putting any religious ideas with it. Although many do and thats also a choice :)

To bring it back to your comment, I think that we project the afterlife and our loved ones who are "there" in our minds but I dont think its projection without information i.e. I dont think its a complete fabrication

I think its an educated guess. When someone dies there are energies released back into the universe. Simple things like heat and gases, not some mystical energy. But also a removal of a different energy, like the energy a person puts into others by way of social interaction and their physical actions. Everyone knows the hole thats left when they experience a loved ones death. These surely have an effect on the world too? I think humans are far more sensitive to this ebb and flow of "energy" than most give ourselves credit for. We make an educated guess and maybe the person who dies really is with us, in a very real sense, by way of interacting and changing how we interact when they were alive and also with the removal of that interaction in death. That stays with us and affects how we continue to interact with others. The complex scope of human interaction happing all the time blows my wee mind!

Now this really is rambling, just some thoughts on the complexity of society and how our senses interpret the world. Thanks for the encouragement and for taking the time to interact :D

Hahaha I dont see it as rambling....but it maybe that I am a fellow rambler! You make some really interesting viewpoints and it does blow my mind also. I agree I think there is a two way interaction thing. @abcdoctor was discussiong something similar. Its fascinating!

Thats the beauty of open communities, you get varied and interesting discussions :)

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