Do Certain Numbers Follow You Around? Is it a sign ?

in #life7 years ago (edited)


It is really ironic how much a certain number can stick. Singular numbers could be coincidence I suppose but what happens when double or triple numbers follow?

I get hounded by the number 66. Most of my account numbers have 66 in the middle. I have lived at number 66 twice and my phone number has 66 in it. Could be coincidence I suppose but is it?

According to numerolgy it is a good omen to see 66. Which is good to know, not the sign of a devil who's lost a 6!

Apparently it is a caring number, one that denotes you look after other people sometimes to much that you forget about yourself. I can be a bit like that I suppose. I get numbers I know a bit about numerolgy and i always get that chill when I see that number 66.

Someone up there I think is sending me a message. Do you get followed by a number? Have you any experience of this. I would love to here more.



Are you crazy? - six is the mark of the beast :)

My husband would probably agree haha!

It's synchronicity :) I always took 6's to mean life. Maybe you are living the life you always wanted right now?

You know you maybe onto something here. I always thought 6's was a bit of a warning but now I'm starting to think it's more about acceptance. I have a good life. :-)

I have numbers that seem to follow me as well - mine are 5 and 7; sometimes doubles or triples, sometimes both together .... now I'm wondering what those mean.

oooh interesting. Very opposite numbers. 5's free thinking and 7's very steady. Putting them together maybe a need for balance. ? X A bit like mine.....only mine is about time I think.

How cool is that? I confess the 5's are dominant ... perhaps the 7's get thrown in when I need balance for me (which also happens often, lol)? I think numerology is fascinating, but admit I don't know very much about it.

There's loads of stuff on the net. I'm too much of a free thinker thats my problem lol

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