Why do we get married? The perspective of an ex wedding cameramansteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

will you marry me?.jpg

Yesterday I was one of the three groomsmen at the wedding of my oldest friend and despite feeling quite hung over today I am determined to write this article because it has brought back to the surface many unanswered questions in my mind.

Why do we get married?

It seems to me that most people get married because thats what everyone else does.

I wonder if they would think of getting married if it wasn't what everyone else did?

Tradition is massive part of it, followed blindly without question.

Expectation is also huge.

Mothers usually play a more prominent role in creating expectation than fathers, because let's face it, the majority of men are not all that bothered about the idea of getting married, but they know what they must do... so they just knuckle down and get on with it.

Even Hollywood plays its part in feeding us a kind of idealistic benchmark for romance and marriage. And this kind of culture conditioning starts as early on as childhood, with Princes and Princesses getting married in the most glorious of settings in our bedtime books.


What did I see during my wedding cameraman years?

As a filmmaker, I was invited to film many weddings during my UK residency and very often proposed the idea myself as my wedding gift to them.

But what I saw during these hundreds of weddings was a whole bunch of people doing what they thought they were supposed to do. And frankly, they didn't do it very convincingly.

Most of them appeared to be tired after weeks of intensive organising, stressed about the details, desperate for everyone to have a good time. Many were overly concerned about the way they looked throughout the day and did not appear to be having a good time. This is why there is lots of alcohol at weddings. Helps get people to a level where the details no longer matter.

As the cameraman, present from the beginning of the day to the end, I saw many things which did not make the final edit because they did not give the create the right illusion, as desired by the bride and groom.

Clearly, love cannot be measured by the quantity of money one spends to express it, yet that appears to be what is going on at a wedding. It is a declaration of love and the more you spend, the more 'romantic' and memorable your day will be.

Here you can see where my friends' ceremony took place on a custom built platform over the pool. Very romantic indeed.

The sunset would have been the only part of the day that did not have a price tag attached to it!

Lucky for them it was a good one :)


Some history on Marriage

Even though marriage does have ancient roots, it wasn't until recently that love had anything to do with it.

And the people getting married rarely had any say in the decision!

"What early marriage had in common was that it really was not about the relationship between the man and the woman...It was a way of getting in-laws, of making alliances and expanding the family labor force."

--- Stephanie Coontz, the author of "Marriage, a History: How Love Conquered Marriage," (Penguin Books, 2006)


It wasn't until somewhere between the 6th & 9th century that monogamy became the guiding principle for western marriage.

There was an ongoing battle between the Catholic Church and the old nobility and kings who wanted to be able to take second wives. Eventually the Catholic Church won this battle and were able to establish monogamy as the norm.

Monogamy lite!

Even then monogamy was very different from today's perception of this word. Right up until the 19th century men of status would engage in extramarital affairs. But any children resulting from these affairs would be illegitimate, with no claim to the man's inheritance.

And what about love?

It was only about 250 years ago that the notion of love matches gained any kind of traction.

Mutual attraction in marriage wasn't important until about a century ago.

In fact, in Victorian England, many men held the perception that women didn't have strong sexual urges at all.

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Clearly our perceptions are constantly evolving!

We have moved from...

  • a long period in which there was no marriage and polygamy ruled the day!

  • to a long period in which marriage was all about the acquisition of wealth and status

  • to a period when it was a little bit about love but mostly about acquisition, and okay to have a mistresses

  • to a period in which marriage is seen as an expression of love and dedication to each other, witnessed by God himself!

Today polygamy has been replaced by strictly enforced monogamous relationships made legal by the state through marriage.

So, who knows where this is going to lead us next...

We can at least be sure that it will change, because nothing lasts forever my friends.

And my only advice to you if you are not already 'hitched' would be to find your own way and let go of what is required of you.


I would like to credit pixabay for the frogs in the title image.


Marriage in our lives is the most important event and moment. Where two loving couples want to continue a wonderfully beautiful relationship. Marriage is also to justify the sex of husband and wife. If we have sex without marriage is the same animal premises. We humans are different from animals. Marriage is a sacred bond to foster a happy family and to preserve the offspring. Not solely because of sex. Marriage is beautiful. Living together after marriage is very beautiful. Sleeping after the marriage partner is beautiful. Today you share the most beautiful moments and become a motivation for those who are not married. Thanks that is nice post

and you know what's even better than "marriage"? still wanting to do all those things with another person, knowing you're not bound by some legal piece of paper, and that both parties can leave anytime they want. HOWEVER, both choose to stay together, of their own free will.

If you truly love, care, and respect someone, you don't NEED a piece of paper from the government to PROVE IT, or to ENFORCE the terms of your "love".

Link: Penguin Love: Together Forever!

Where two loving couples want to continue a wonderfully beautiful relationship.

well, @ijoel, that sounds like someone's got some sort of polyamorous "group-thing" going on! lol

Great article @samstonehill, and I do love me a beautiful sunset! :)

Agree, love do not need a piece of paper to prove it. Marriage for me is an eternal commitment (I hope so!), because when you say "Yes, I do!", all people around you, seeing you said a sacred vow. But anyway, anyone have own point of view about marriage. :)

I see what you are saying and to a certain extent I would agree that kind of public statement does contain a strong energy. But the source of the energy feels wrong to me. It's like a kind of fear? The person is afraid to break the vow, so they don't. One should never make decisions based on fear. For me, having two happy healthy children has been the eternal commitment and constant reminder of the path before me. We will never get married, but we will always work hard at bringing up these children in the best possible way :)

This seems like a better reason to stay together than the fear of what might happen if we don't stick the 'rules' of a marriage.

Thank Alex. I was a bit scared after reading the first response here that this would be a list of people telling me how wonderful marriage is!

Yep, it takes an advanced mind to move beyond the confines of the invisible prison which has been created around us ;)

And in this case it takes two! I am most grateful to have found a partner who holds the same opinion as me. We have decided to put on a big party one day and invite both families. But it will not be called a marriage and will be a very different format to the one people are used to!

I hear ya Sam, don't worry I've "got your back"! lol And more power to the both of you for thinking "out of the box". If you're fearful your mate will run off the first chance they get, by all means "tie the knot"!

If you love, trust, and respect your mate enough to "set each other free", well I dunno, but that kind of sounds even more "exciting". But what do I know, to each there own, it's all good, so long as it feels right for YOU!

I would say that having children is the most important event in our lives and this creates a much stronger bond than marriage. My two babies are a constant daily reminder of my commitment to this relationship. I have become much better at manifesting money ever since my life went from a 'me' to an 'us' and I do believe it is because of this beautiful daily reminder. Much more beautiful I think than a ring on the finger or a picture on the mantlepiece.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts :)

Great post and effort put in. UPVOTED and RESTEEMED! Marriage is a very funny thing especially nowadays. When I speak to my Mom about marriage she actually advocates against it, which is funny. She tells me how financially it doesn't make much sense. That her and my Dad would be a lot better off if they had split their finances and still chose to live together and raise me and my brother as a family. So I think it goes back to tradition and of course religion. People got married because it was well, an excuse to have sex with your wife, and not be considered a piece of shit haha. I think in today's society getting married symbolizes responsibility and "old-fashioned, 'Conservative' values" but the utility of it does not really hold up with today's moral standards and norms. There are so many people that have children that are married and live together and it doesn't make much of a difference in their day-to-day lives whether the two people are wearing rings or not. They could easily be doing the same exact thing without rings on or being legally married. Originally I think the spirit of it was to preserve the family so that men could not just go around having children, leaving women pregnant and with out a way to protect themselves and the baby during those, not only nine months, but the following few years. Nowadays I think marriage is good, in fact great for some people, but for others I think that they shouldn't get married. The reason I believe this is because people get married and get divorced and I don't think that divorce is a good thing especially when children are involved. I feel like it would be much healthier to simply have a religious ceremony if you like, change your last name to all have the same last name so as to conform to school norms etc. but otherwise when it comes to the IRS being married is just a legal contract that combines your assets and makes it difficult to break the contract leading to what I believe is overall unhappiness in those parties who could easily just choose to raise children together and live in different houses or different rooms of the same house. I don't think being married is the right thing to do anymore I think it is the expected thing to do. Men are expected to propose to Women, Women are expected to want to be married, especially before having children, and it's those external expectations that sort of force people into a situation that is neither beneficial for them or for their families. If you want to show your commitment have a religious ceremony, change your last name, live together, act as if you are married because, you are in the eyes of the Lord, but don't sign the government contract, it is only a way to pay more taxes and to make your life a living hell should you ever decide or realize that you're no longer in love with each other. But by all means have a wedding. Just don't sign that stupid contract! Keep your values and your wages! Have two heads of household instead of one. Get accepted because you didn't combine your assets. Set up trusts for private property and a joint bank account for bills. Do everything right but a contract is just a contract, God knows what is in your heart, love does not change because of a ring and if it does, run!

Thanks so much for your many thoughtful words here on this vast subject of marriage. It has been really interesting to see how open minded the steemit community has been on this one.

It takes an advanced mind to move beyond the confines of the invisible prison which has been created around us.

And in this case it takes two! I am most grateful to have found a partner who holds the same opinion as me. We have decided to put on a big party one day and invite both families. But it will not be called a marriage and will be a very different format to the one people are u sed to!

All the best to you and thanks for the upvote and resteem :)

Well deserved for your efforts. I think generally marriage is something that is just a tradition and doesnt add anything to relationships. In fact it may do the opposite and make people resent each orher by feeling trapped by the situation. I will definitely be saying vows and wearing a ring (not a gold one though, and no diamonds, her request, thank God!) for traditions sake but values and morals are not just going to happen once you sign on the line together. You either have the constitution to raise children and be moral people and show each other love, loyalty and respect or you don't. A contract won't gice you any of those traits.

Tradition is the death of improvement.

Nice quote! Yes it is :)

Ahhh... God only knows why... :D

haha! Yep :)

Some people rush into marriage because they find the other patner cute, financial stability, fear of being alone or need for protection or even constant sex..these are wrong and mostly end in pain. Very good post indeed and great tips. Thans for sharing.

Thanks for taking the time to comment :)

Source: Pixabay.
Humans way of finding a mate is made more complicated with laws of marriage. :-)

You know it :) I prefer less complicated route.

The complicated route also end up costing more. :-)

Marriage is something society requires, because if you are different, you are immediately weird

Thank you for re-affirming my belief :)

As a person who has not worn shoes for 4 years I am accustomed already to people finding me weird so the lack of official marriage probably didn't come as much of a surprise to those who know me!

As @pepe.maya stated in her reply that if you don't marry, "you are immediately weird", that is the truth. It's been my experience that people marry because they are the right age, their love interest is good enough, the family expects the relationship to progress, it's time for kids... It goes on and on. Excuses to get married, not burning desires.

When you meet someone and fall for them, give it a full 18 months before making any decisions. Let the love wear off and make sure you can deal with the other person on a day in day out basis. Then you'll know your relationship is strong enough for marriage.

It's a big old topic this one for sure! Many thanks for sharing your thoughts :)

As a wedding photography myself, I have yet to get a repeat wedding customer.
Somehow I would find that just...awkward.

haha! Yes that would be rather awkward :)

I do love shooting weddings though perhaps this is because I find it harder to attend one as a guest than as the guy who can hide behind his camera when he wants to!

Hey, this is really cool man! I just believe in the good old marriage. I just wouldn't survive without being married. I'd be just a poor spoiled man without a support.

Haha :) well I am very glad it worked out for you. We all need something to believe in. Thanks for the comment.

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