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RE: Why do we get married? The perspective of an ex wedding cameraman

in #life7 years ago

Marriage in our lives is the most important event and moment. Where two loving couples want to continue a wonderfully beautiful relationship. Marriage is also to justify the sex of husband and wife. If we have sex without marriage is the same animal premises. We humans are different from animals. Marriage is a sacred bond to foster a happy family and to preserve the offspring. Not solely because of sex. Marriage is beautiful. Living together after marriage is very beautiful. Sleeping after the marriage partner is beautiful. Today you share the most beautiful moments and become a motivation for those who are not married. Thanks that is nice post


and you know what's even better than "marriage"? still wanting to do all those things with another person, knowing you're not bound by some legal piece of paper, and that both parties can leave anytime they want. HOWEVER, both choose to stay together, of their own free will.

If you truly love, care, and respect someone, you don't NEED a piece of paper from the government to PROVE IT, or to ENFORCE the terms of your "love".

Link: Penguin Love: Together Forever!

Where two loving couples want to continue a wonderfully beautiful relationship.

well, @ijoel, that sounds like someone's got some sort of polyamorous "group-thing" going on! lol

Great article @samstonehill, and I do love me a beautiful sunset! :)

Agree, love do not need a piece of paper to prove it. Marriage for me is an eternal commitment (I hope so!), because when you say "Yes, I do!", all people around you, seeing you said a sacred vow. But anyway, anyone have own point of view about marriage. :)

I see what you are saying and to a certain extent I would agree that kind of public statement does contain a strong energy. But the source of the energy feels wrong to me. It's like a kind of fear? The person is afraid to break the vow, so they don't. One should never make decisions based on fear. For me, having two happy healthy children has been the eternal commitment and constant reminder of the path before me. We will never get married, but we will always work hard at bringing up these children in the best possible way :)

This seems like a better reason to stay together than the fear of what might happen if we don't stick the 'rules' of a marriage.

Thank Alex. I was a bit scared after reading the first response here that this would be a list of people telling me how wonderful marriage is!

Yep, it takes an advanced mind to move beyond the confines of the invisible prison which has been created around us ;)

And in this case it takes two! I am most grateful to have found a partner who holds the same opinion as me. We have decided to put on a big party one day and invite both families. But it will not be called a marriage and will be a very different format to the one people are used to!

I hear ya Sam, don't worry I've "got your back"! lol And more power to the both of you for thinking "out of the box". If you're fearful your mate will run off the first chance they get, by all means "tie the knot"!

If you love, trust, and respect your mate enough to "set each other free", well I dunno, but that kind of sounds even more "exciting". But what do I know, to each there own, it's all good, so long as it feels right for YOU!

I would say that having children is the most important event in our lives and this creates a much stronger bond than marriage. My two babies are a constant daily reminder of my commitment to this relationship. I have become much better at manifesting money ever since my life went from a 'me' to an 'us' and I do believe it is because of this beautiful daily reminder. Much more beautiful I think than a ring on the finger or a picture on the mantlepiece.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts :)

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