Did anyone else feel this last full moon? My first drone crash & 'crisitunity' explained.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Aside from the usual sleeplessness & amplified emotions, I experienced three long days of technical 'disasters'...

Ending yesterday with the crashing my DJI Inspire 1 drone.

This has never happened before, even after 3 years of flying these things.

It's the Moon's Fault!

I know it might seem strange to blame these events on the full moon, but please let me explain...

My 19 month old son Esteban appears to feel this special phase of the moon cycle in a way that cannot be denied. His behaviour becomes inconsistent with his character and he doesn't want to go to sleep at his usual bedtime in the few days surrounding this period.

Here you can see him riding a komodo dragon, something he now tries with every animal he comes across. But only since the full moon. And the dogs don't seem as relaxed as this wooden komodo!

  • All of us are affected in one way or another. Even if we are not aware of it.

So, yeah... I crashed my drone. And whilst it could have been so much worse, lost in the jungle or out at sea for example, it is however hard at this point to let go of the 'You f**king idiot Sam!' and look for the opportunity in this event. An event that to most would simply be a disaster.

What does 'Crisitunity' mean?

It is said that in Chinese they use the same word for 'crisis' and 'opportunity': 危机与机遇同

Though there is some debate about the accuracy of this statement!

A friend of mine recently pointed out that there should be a similar word in english... which if there was... would simply have to be CRISITUNITY!

And a crisitunity this is. I do not know at this point how the opportunity bit is going to manifest, but in the knowledge that it will present itself to me in due course, I am content.

My Unconventional Habits

I have a few habits that some might consider strange. For example, I don't wear shoes. Thankfully, the opinion of others I no longer take personally.

I feel instinctively drawn towards living this way. And I do a good job at explaining why in this film.

I am also a sun-gazer. This means I look directly at the sun for periods of up to 44mins during sunrise & sunset only. Side note: please don't try this without reading up on it first. Or you can simply watch this short film I made on the subject!

But the point is that I have been living this way for three years now and generally speaking I feel protected, connected & guided.

Moon Gazing

So, I also moon-gaze. I feel instinctively drawn towards some kind of powerful energy when the moon is full and stare directly at it for around ten minutes, giving me the opportunity to make some kind of required energetic exchange.

And sometimes it changes me into something different. I evolve. Both physically and energetically.

Perhaps this is where the legend of the werewolf comes from?

Last year I was living in the south of France and was lucky enough to catch something known as the Blood Moon, a period when it is both full and coloured red by the atmosphere of the earth during an eclipse.

Or this is the generally accepted explanation at least! No doubt the Flat Earth Society has another explanation.

Here is a little time-lapse film I put together on the night of the Blood Moon:

It is a fact that the A&E department of every hospital around the world is busier on the night of the full moon than any other. Coz to put it frankly, if you are not aware of what is happening to you, it is possible you might do something a bit crazy.

But why?

Hard to say for sure. But what I do know is this:

  • Tidal forces are at their strongest, not just pulling at the sea but also at the water which we are mostly made up of. This makes it a great period in which to stop eating and fast, another of those wonderful and misunderstood habits I enjoy so much! When you fast, the toxins naturally leave your body and the full moon assists this process greatly.

  • Visibility on a clear night is great! This may not mean much to us, but I am betting there are certain animals who use this to their advantage. For me here in Bali, the full moon is a perfect excuse to go for a midnight walk.

  • There is a heightened energy in the air leading to erratic behaviour. The A&E example says it all really. And the legend of the werewolf.

  • Sleeplessness or intensified dreams is common.

Personally I sleep terribly in this period and prefer to stay up all night writing posts about why I'm staying up all night!

Or instead just do something that doesn't fit my usual routine.

This picture was taken on the full moon six months ago on a midnight walk around my eco community in Bali. After this I went for a dip in the eco pool and very much enjoyed floating on my back with the fish nibbling at my feet, gazing up at this wondrous circle in the sky about which we know so little, despite being told so much!

The Magical Effects

To get back to the point of why I am writing this post, this particular full moon was a game changer.

Esteban seems to have grown up very quickly over this last week. He went from being a 'simple to please' baby to a little boy who has very defined likes & dislikes. He suddenly has opinions on everything (not that we can understand what he is saying!) and suddenly he can reach door handles, so there is no stopping his exploration of the world around him.

His voice seems louder and he is clearly aware now that when he screams, his voice is heard. The speed of his body & mind have suddenly become faster. His expressions richer. His vocabulary more diverse. A mix of baby-talk, English, French & Indonesian Bahasa. And when a decision has been made, he does everything in his power to manifest his desire. No matter how much crying and screaming he has to go through to get there!

He has evolved over the last few days.

And so too have I.

The Message

The many technical things that went wrong around me during the full moon period are a message.

I do believe telling me to slow down! And stop putting all my faith in technical things. I am not my possessions. I am pure light, surrounded by a loving intention to enjoy every moment of this physical experience called life. It is only my 'monkey mind' that keeps me from seeing this.

So, if I listen and act accordingly, the Universe will reveal to me in due course the opportunity, energetically embedded within my current crisis.

Today I basically have no choice now but to slow down. While I can't shoot drone footage my grand plan for this month has just gone up in smoke. So, now something else is going to happen. Something wonderful and completely impossible to predict.

That being said, if anyone happens to have any thoughts on how best to fix a drone in Bali I would love to hear about it! My nearest DJI service centre is in North Java. That's the island to the west of Bali. And a bit of a trek to get there.

Has anyone ever repaired their own DJI at home and what was your experience?

It is my intention to order the replacement parts and repair it myself using Youtube tutorials.

In Conclusion

Something happens to us during the full moon that we cannot explain. And it is important to know that whatever happens is meant to be happening. Here are a few tips to move forward in harmony with nature:

  • Become more conscious of the moon phases and see for yourself how it affects you.

  • Trust that all is well.

  • Understand that are are being 'upgraded' and this may sometimes feel strange.

  • Let go of any negative feelings that may arise during this period. They are being released from you in order that something better can take their place.

  • Know that everything is as it should be.

  • If it comes, let it come. If it goes, let it go.

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed. I will keep you updated on the opportunity that will shortly be manifested for me!

'And remember lads... beware the moon!'

Nah, just kidding. Simple BE AWARE of the full moon :)

(Image from the amazing film by John Landis, An American Werewolf in London)


GREAT article soul brother! This is so cool to come across someone who also chooses to walk barefoot, sungaze and so on... Thanks for your article and information. Namaste :)

Thank you brother for taking the time to write these words. Please keep in touch. I don't meet too many people who fully appreciate the way I live my life and I feel instantly as if you do :)

You bet! I'm glad to red that you are also part of our oneness tribe and wish for you many encounters among us all. All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

I noticed you wrote your son had a heightened sense of subjectivity. This reminded me of this diagram. :)

Many thanks for taking the time to read my article. I love the diagram but don't fully understand it. Can you explain further please? Or link me to some info? Many thanks again and sorry for being a bit slow... it's early morning here and my coffee hasn't fully kicked in!

It could be interpreted as the full moon will reflect complete subjectivity, while new moon will reflect complete objectivity. As the moon moves from day 1 (new moon) to day 15 (full moon) it is a building of energy towards reflection/perception of self (complete subjectivity) and a diminishing back down again to day29 into day 1 (new moon) (complete objectivity) or perception/reflection of absence of self.
just a thought. im sure much more can be pulled from the diagram and self interpretation

That is a really interesting diagram, and I haven't seen that one before. Where did you get this from if I may ask? It seems to be spot on.

Within several Magickal traditions (or Magick 101 basically) it is common to practice Magick to attract during the Waxing Moon, and Magick to repel during the Waning Moon. During Full Moon and New Moon no Magick is practiced. Personally within my own practice it depends on the form of Magick whether I take the Moonphases into account. I work with Spirits every day for example, but if I fashion a Talisman or Amulet I try to take the Moonphases into account. Unless it's an emergency of course. A Talisman to attract something still works if created during Waxing Moon, but may end up being less potent then one created when the Moon is growing.

Changed........ !!

I just wrote an article on the Moon a couple of days ago and your article almost seems like an extension of the one I wrote. It was the last Supermoon of the year so the energies were a bit heavier than those of a normal Full Moon.

And we have a Solstice coming up in a couple of days (the 21st) of which the energy is also already quite noticable (depending on how sensive you are). It may take another week or two before things have calmed down. The energies of the Solstices and Equinoxes are heavier and take a little longer to dissipate compared to the Moon. Bali seems like a wonderful place to experience these events though.

Sorry to say that I didn't catch your article, but I have followed you now and will check it out when I have a moment. Yes, there is some powerful stuff going on at the moment. I am no expert, but I can feel it for sure. Thank you for taking the time to write an explanation. Wasn't even aware it was a super moon. And there I am telling people to be more aware!

Bali really is wonderful, though it has many problems relating to the fast growth of tourism.

If you every feel like a holiday, we have a spare room :)

Wow thank you, who knows I might take you up on that some day. Have just watched a couple of your Youtube vids and think they are amazing.. gave me goosebumps. I think I've seen you before though while bingewatching travel videos, which makes this a coincidence.

Thank you for the follow.

Thanks for taking the time to check out some of my films. And that's great you've come across them already. I feel a little twinge of pride to know that. Thank you. And enjoy the ride :)

I adore that you, and your son obviously, are so well connected to the natural forces around you! Each full moon affects me differently, and both my children were born on the full moon. I had insomnia and a general feeling of anxiety with this last one, and my animals seemed fine but that was all.

I wish I had advice for your drone repair but, alas, I do not. Crashing it must have been very exasperating and I wish you speedy success in its repair!

Very interesting post, btw, and your son is very handsome! Thank you for sharing.

Thank you so much for your lovely words. I really appreciate them very much. Especially during this challenging time! Followed you back :)

I am teacher and the full moon effect is FOR REAL. My class is always a little more unfocused and energetic during a full moon.

Excellent. Great to have this feedback. I believe children are more tuned into it than us adults generally speaking. But as I get older in many ways I am becoming more like a child. Life is for having fun! And there is nothing better than being 100% in the moment. Which is perhaps why I feel the moon cycles more now than ever. All the best to you and thanks again for the comment :)

Amazing article and images! Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for taking the time to leave the comment. I really appreciate that. Especially as the post is an older one. I am interested to know how you came across it so long after it was posted?

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