Can I make over $200 in one day - guaranteed?

in #life7 years ago

I'm not going to lie to you. I could really use some money right now. And I would like to find out if I can earn over $200 in a single day using a very simple system.

A few days ago I ran a test in which I made a post requesting that no humans upvote it, hoping to establish how many bots are upvoting me automatically and the number of upvotes I received was 54 with a total payout of $2.61.

I realise that some of these votes may have been from humans basing their decision on nothing more than the image of fir cones on a white background, but to put it plainly they were behaving like bots if they didn’t read the only words I wrote: ‘please do not upvote this if you are human.’

A number of people commented saying they would have liked to upvote me but respected my wishes and didn’t.

Then it dawned on me

With this many bots automatically upvoting me, I could be earning far more than I currently am with my 2 - 3 post a day regiment. Each of which usually earns between $2 and $4, even when I have put hours into its creation. We all know how that feels, right?

My top payout article a month ago earned $129 and it took a day of my time to create so why not use a single day more efficiently, with a better chance of achieving that higher payout?

My Plan

I intend to spend this one day dedicated to Steemit and from dusk till dawn I will be producing a total of 100 posts. I am currently waiting for the birth of my 2nd child so have a bit of time on my hands, though this could change rather suddenly at any moment. The due date passed some time ago.

Please understand that I am not going to be producing rubbish, but rather a well thought out story I have been wanting to tell for some time, divided into 100 chapters, with photos & video links too.

The Story

I intend to tell you the story of how I came to be where I am now. Because where I am now is a very special place. And I would like for other people to experience this kind of freedom. And to know that it doesn't matter where you come from or who you are... anyone can do this.

Five years ago I was a drug addict porn maker living in London with a porn star bride and an ego the size of my house. Three years ago I sold all my possessions, put my life in a bag, didn't marry the porn star and set off barefoot into the world to find whatever it was I was looking for. Two years ago I met Sabrina on a bus in Thailand and today we are just about to have our second child here in Bali.

I am currently living in the home of a famous Ubud artist (@yaariart) where I am making a documentary about his life and every day he jokes with me that someone needs to tell the story of my life.

So, that is exactly what I intend to do.

What does this prove?

I feel blessed to have found this platform at exactly at the moment I needed it and equally blessed to have made my bot discovery at exactly the right moment too.

What this proves for me is that once we establish ourselves here with many hours of hard work, we eventually find ourselves in a position where we are able to inject $200 into our lives when we need to.

  • A decent Valentines present for the other half
  • A new phone
  • Some clothes that don't have holes in
  • A guitar
  • A new piece for my time-lapse kit

My own personal list is endless! But right now I must focus on paying for the various goodies that go with a newly born baby.

In Conclusion

I only intend to do this once (unless it is a resounding success!) because I am a traveling film-maker by trade and I happen to love what I do, so would never swap a life of film adventures for a life glued to my computer.

Some may criticise me for this experiment and to them I say this: I have worked extremely hard over the last five months to achieve my status, currently ranked #187 in rep and what I am trying here is ultimately an experiment which may not even work.

But if it does, it could well help a great many people finally buy that thing they really need!

I am not encouraging people to spout 100 posts of mediocre content but to rip out their hearts and slash blood across their keyboards with fire and passion by telling that one story they know will inspire others to lead better lives.


heh mate, I think you need to check about the daily posting limit. My understanding was that any more than 4 posts per day begin to receive diminishing rewards. Hopefully somebody else will have the exact answer for this, but would hate to see you waste your story if this was the case.

Ah! Good to know! I will check this out. Thanks very much for the heads up :)

I found the answer. Oh well. We live and learn. I may still try it with a less important story, just to see what happens :)

I understand the limit is going to change, or is planned to change, in an upcoming hardfork but at the moment, you are correct. Four posts is your max before your get diminishing rewards. I think that posting more than that in a day may lead people to scan rather than read. If you posted them spread out over say a month, people will look for them and share them around if they really like them thus increasing your audience over time.

Good advice. Now I see clearly my situation, I realise with a story like this I should give it more respect by spending more time on its creation and spreading it out over a longer period. And as you say, people are more likely to read it this way.

Thanks for leaving your comment :)

I'll be watching for it :)

They are planning to remove the 4 post limit in 0.17:

Removing Over Posting Reward Penalties

During the July rush we experienced a massive influx of people posting as much as they could to get as many rewards as they could. In an effort to curb this “abuse” we implemented a limit on the maximum reward a post could receive if the post made more than 4 posts in the same day. In hindsight this change was reactionary and ultimately unnecessary. It has the psychological impact of discouraging engagement and adds unnecessary complexity to a system. In the spirit of KISS we feel this should be removed.

  1. Removing Over Posting Reward Penalties:

Translation: anyone can post as many posts as he / she wants and they may get rewards, if they are voted. Currently, you can publish as many posts as you want, but only the first 4 are eligible for rewards.
Feedback: +9, Throttling posts to 4 payable per day may have played a significant role in the somehow slow growth of the platform. If there's no incentive to write more than 4 posts, why doing it?

Amazing news! Thank you for sharing this with me Alex. How do we know when this is implemented I wonder?

It seems they plan to release it on February 7th (though this can obviously change). Once it's released, historically the hard fork takes place about a week later. You can keep tabs on its progress here:

Hardfork 17 - Protocol Cleanup and Simplification
Due by February 7, 2017 48% complete
The purpose of this milestone is to: Fix outstanding bugs (Equihash) Remove as much as possible from consensus bandwidth rate limiting comment posting depth 4 post rate limiting Enforce transaction constraints that will exist once multi-chain fabric is deployed separate voting from content in same transaction

Great experiment!
Wish you all the best :)

Many thanks my friend. I appreciate that. Though it turns out that there is a 4 post daily limit after which the returns are greatly diminished. Still gonna tell the story though :)

As long as you don't post it emptie shit, I think posting 100 post by hand on a single day is an achievement on its own ;)

No problems there. I have a ripper of a tale for you. And yes, I will have tired fingers by the end of the day. But thankfully, I touch type pretty fast :)

Upvoted! (Can't get much of a guitar for $200)

haha :) Here in Bali I do have my eye on a half decent one for around that price. Though frankly, after not having had one in my life for a year now, anything will do! Thanks for the upvote.

This is a great post Sam and extremely interesting about your life and how you came to be where you now are. Only hope you do succeed ,
Good luck

Thank you for your kind words. The most important thing is that I have a fun day telling my tale. Which I know I will :) Though I'm sure I'll be knackered by the end of it!

Nice experiment.

Thanks. Nice German youtube video. I am going to send it to a few German friends I have in London :)

Thanks for sharing :-)

Your posts should recieve exponentially less payouts after the 4th :| so cents and cents

Thank you for the info. I understand now. Just didn't know of this feature until now. But now that i do, I will re-think my strategy :)

Thank you, though it turns out this wasn't such a great idea after all :(

But I'm still going to tell the story one way or another!

All the best to you :)

I like this idea and hope the best for you and your experiment, it should lead to some interesting results!
I was wondering how you ended up in living in such a beautiful place from your previous post!

Thank you my friend. Sadly it turns out that my fabulous idea won't work as the daily limit is 4 posts. We can post more than this, but the rewards won't be the same. We live and learn hey! Happy that I at least made some new friends by posting this :)

And set in motion the telling of my story.... one way or another!

Oh wow, well we all learned something new since you're testing and sharing your ideas on this Steemit!
Aha indeed, and we'll be able to learn more from each others perspective as our stories unfold on this platform! :)

Great post ! And wishing you all the best ! Steem on !👍😉

Thank you Karen. It turns out that there is a 4 post daily limit after which the returns are greatly diminished.

But it was a nice idea to tell my story anyway, and it will happen one way or another :)

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