in #life7 years ago

Man is a strange creature. He tends to either reside in reality or in his own mind. They have a natural tendency to hope to be wanted. It has been engraved in their minds, the acceptance of society. What others tell them to do, they would obey. It seems that they are not in charge of their own emotions anymore. They might have just become slaves to what they expect to be higher status people. What they fail to notice is the fact that they are what they themselves make them out to be. In other words, it is all in one’s head.

It is as Henry Bergson wisely pointed out:

“We regard intelligence as man's main characteristic and we know that there is no superiority which intelligence cannot confer on us, no inferiority for which it cannot compensate”


Controlling One’s Own Emotions:

The mind of humans has been said to be the most complex one among all living species. A persons thoughts are under his own control whether he likes it or not. He can decide what he wants for himself. For instance, it is up to him to take something as an offense or he could choose the option of laughing it off. Man should not let his heart and mind come under the influence of the people around him. Either he could take someone’s words as a motivation to climb higher or take it as an insult and sulk in the corner. It is up to him, that which he wants to do and that what he does about it.

It was once said that:

“The over-exaggeration of your flaw and the self-consciousness you develop because of it causes the feelings of inferiority. The inferiority is made up and in your head”.

Inferiority Complex is a Weakness:

Feeling inferior to someone else is a sign of one’s own weakness. It proves that one does not possess enough confidence in order to stand up for himself. He lets his mind believe that everyone else is just ultimately more blessed or talented then he could ever be. He starts feeling that no matter how hard he tries he would never be able to catch up to others. Thus he starts degrading himself. He shuts himself into his dark and shy corner waiting to be noticed. But he fails to realize the fact that it is he himself that needs to stand up and bring him out of his dark corner.

It was beautifully pointed out that:

“Inferiority complexes are rooted in the desire to be just like someone else. They make you want to be someone you’re not. If you try to be someone else, you aren’t being true to yourself. Just don’t try to be someone else. Be you.”



In the end one should struggle to believe in oneself so that others may start believing him too. When he gains the trust and approval of himself then he gains the approval of others. It is easy to be the victim. But it is fighting back in order not to become the victim that actually counts. Mankind was created equal. So it is merely foolish to believe that one is inferior to the people around him. For he may be talented in a field others are not good at. So he must not let himself feel that others are better than him. Rather he should encourage himself to strive hard and keep moving forward.

It was wisely said that:

“We are becoming able to see the pursuit of external power for what it is and the futility of trying to escape the pain of powerlessness by changing the world. When we look inward, not outward, we can dismantle the parts of our personalities that have controlled us for so long - such as anger, jealousy, vindictiveness, superiority, inferiority”.



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