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RE: Pair Bonding in H. sapiens; Why Civilization is Being Destroyed from Within

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Good Morning @Valued-Customer... While I may not have Your level of incredible eloquence of the written word ( I hope You've written some books and if not, please consider doing so...)

Please consider reading a book called "Behold the Pale Horse"

What the book overviews is the methodology of "Divide + Conquer" dating back to at least the Roman Empire

Shifting gears... Your post tends to speak of the "lower nature of humanity" and is quite good and well described...

Shifting gears again...

We have entered a new age/paradigm, a cycle of time that lasts approximately 25,945 years.

Recently, in 2012, our solar system crossed over the equatorial zone of our Milky Way Galaxy, which has about 300 BILLION Suns.

It is this Light from these billions of Suns, both Visible AND non-Visible Light from the Full Spectrum of Light that is immersing & "bathing" our planet and everything on it... which will allow Humanity to ascend to a MUCH Higher Level of Consciousness and break the various bonds of slavery of humankind... on many different levels.

(( The Dark side has thrown everything into the mix, including the "kitchen sink", so to speak... because they are well aware of this significant paradigm shift and are attempting to "control the narrative", especially when they speak of trans-humanism [the mixing of machine, technology + human biology] ))

An example of trans-humanism is Darth Vader in Star Wars... but You will notice that the Jedi did not use nor need internal biological technology to access the "Force"... Darth Vader was "tricked"/misled into the Dark side, using Anger/Fear... somewhat similar to how Anger'Fear has been used for eons.

This is one of the reasons why Star Wars resonated deeply with so many millions of people around the globe...and still does, to some extent.

In "The Matrix" movie, Neo broke out of the matrix ( control/programming belief system ) and accessed an ascended level of consciousness, which ALL humans beings are potentially able to access, if it were not for such incredible programming designed to dumb-down humanity from BEFORE birth.

Also, consider the largest statue on the Vatican grounds outside, which is a representation of the inter-dimensional pineal gland in the center of the human brain.

The function of the pineal gland has been unknown until recent times, mystical traditions and esoteric schools have long known this area in the middle of the brain to be the connecting link between the physical and spiritual worlds. Considered the most powerful and highest source of ethereal energy available to humans, the pineal gland has always been important in initiating supernatural powers. Development of psychic talents has been closely associated with this organ of higher vision.

ACTUALLY, the pineal gland was well known in ancient times by some cultures.

MUCH of Human History has been eradicated/destroyed... consider the intentional burning down of the Great Library of Alexandria on THREE different occasions, not just once.


Returning back to the topic of LIGHT... here are some interesting books about LIGHT which tend to focus on Science, rather than "organized religions", even though religions are spoken of and often referred to.

God at the Speed of Light: the melding of science and spirituality


The Akashic Light: Religion's Common Thread

The reason for bringing up these books is because we have entered into a new age/paradigm, but NOT the New Age & a thousand lights that George Bush Sr. mentioned... (( the dark side is very clever at "twisting the truth" ))

Time, as we have known it, is Accelerating and the rate of acceleration is exponential.

"Future Shock" by Alvin Toffler speaks to this "speeding up" of events but
only scratches the surface of what we are witnessing/observing.

In my humble/researched opinion... we are transitioning and transcending dimensionally... specifically, most, if not all of humanity is moving from the 3rd dimension and into a higher level of awareness/consciousness.

One more book...

Navigating the Collapse of Time: A Peaceful Path... by David Cowan

I may be giving a series of audio interviews and posting them on Steemit... we will see... because the person I really wanted to interview with... has become so dis-enchanted that they may not be available. Perhaps they may have a change of heart or perhaps someone else might emerge to do this series of interviews that will span many diverse topics.


It's very late 4:11 am and I'm a bit tired, so...

Please forgive my somewhat scattered response to Your excellent Post.

Cheers VC !!


While you and I will define transcendence much differently, I agree with you that we are approaching epiphany. I do not disparage spirituality, and am not an atheist at all. I neither ascribe any particular religious tradition, new or old, nor do much research into such things for reasons, both of ineffability and entrenched dogma.

I am grateful for your thoughts and consideration of my essay.


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