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RE: Unicorn

in #life6 years ago

While I do try to say yes to more things sometimes you just have to say no and postpone it or no it can't happen at all for whatever reason, it sucks that we can't have whatever we want whenever we want however we want but that's how things roll XD Never really thought of yes and no or positive and negative as being inherently good or bad though o_O

Least the good lady isn't like this parent I've been told about who subscribed to some form of parenting where apparently they never said no to their child ever because it was negative etc, but didn't replace it with anything at all and their kid was apparently a spoilt little brat who never got pulled up on bullying other kids because telling them off would break their spirit or something to that effect O_o (and you can pass on the story if you have concerns XD)

I don't think I should have laughed at your revenge but I did XP


We are normally quite no's. I have no idea what came over the good lady yesterday. Possibly nothing to do with parenting hehe.

We have similar friends and their two daughters are ridiculous. Wouldn't want to get in that state of affairs!!

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