Do you really think that you can plan your life?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

You can , but if you do you should expect a lot of bumps.

I dont know if you're familiar with the concept of entropy ... (not as in thermodynamics ) entropy over time, the fact that all things are pushed outward

more like entropy over time (

applied to daily life , the most used example i think is the concept of breaking an egg

you can break an egg but you can never restore the egg to its original state after that, even if you could collect everything that spills out and in some way contain the original form between white and yoke, then glue all the pieces back together, the egg would never be exactly like it was

I think the best way to see that in daily life is in ones kitchen :p even if you dont go there for nearly a day, things will always need to be done.

Apply that to "life"

You make a plan to reach a goal, and your plan is set to run over x amount of time. But you are not in control of the whole world , definitely not of all reality.

From a purely statistical point of view this means that the further you plan ahead the more chance you get things will get in the way. Unexpected unavoidance.

Someone crucial to your plan gets sick ... some bank on the other side of the world goes to far giving out loans without backing and crashes the whole world economy.
Or closer, your car or bike breaks down in a stupid accident beyond your control , hell, a branch or tree might fall on it, you trip and fall down the stairs, you sprain your ankle ... can be smaller things even.
The more time your plan takes, the more chance you get that something will interrupt it.
That person is sick so you cant rely on them, nobody's fault, right, but it was essential to your plan so now you're stuck. The economy goes downward, money loses value, corporations start to "sanitize" , you lose that job, that part-time job .. or your money is simply worth less (its just an example but lets assume its hard to plan anything in this world that does not require a certain amount of money in order to achieve it)
You have to get your car of bike fixed, costs you didnt plan in rise from nowhere, sprained ankle, broken leg gets you partly disabled for some time, time you planned in.

All these things and smaller heap up over time (its not exactly the same concept as physical entropy but look at it from a meta-level , for lack of better word)

And that's base statistic you can NOT avoid, no matter how much you plan, the whole set of data/information to hold into account gets larger over time, and it is beyond "omega" so to speak to make an exact calculation because you simply cant
not even the worlds best supercomputer could (its just too much) so

in my opinion, it's good to set goals

but its not good to plan ahead too much, its better to practice improvisation because there's always something you forgot and even then external factors you didnt even think of might rise, things that werent there.

so :
goals : yes
rigid plans : no

it all depends on the size and duration ofcourse, you can plan a trip to go camping next week (things might still get in the way) and that will probably work out
but planning your life five or ten years ahead in a world that moves so fast

i dont think thats a good idea, which, allow me to repeat myself, doesnt mean you should not set GOALS and see to them and direct whatever you can accordingly whenever change happens

dammit ... two posts again today ... i just can't contain myself

i totally didnt plan this :-)

me :

have a nice day, babysteps first before running

actually it relates to a bit of filosofy about eternal life (clinical immortality - the idea that all disease has been cured and eradicated and that genetics advanced so far it's able to stop the ageing process, putting your body in a perpetual state of youth-like regeneration)
even if you had that, the longer you live the more chance you would have you would still die from an accident , these are all numbers ofcourse and as with all statistics because its highly likely it doesnt mean it WILL be , if you have 80% chance of this or that you might not , one could even say that if there were an infinite number of parallel universes, they might still be all copies of this one, it wouldnt mean for sure that EVERYTHING would exist somewhere in some dimension, it could all be the same or this dimension could be the only one to actually hold life although statistically you would have infinite chances it doesnt mean it will because you can have an infinite number of nothing just as well, you COULD throw 100 times ace in a row with a die, it doesnt seem to happen but there's no real reason why it doesnt because you just as much chance of throwing a one than you have at throwing any of the other five sides

but thats another story hahah

o dear its raining, blessed rain in the midsummer heat, im gonna stick my head outside


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