For Kobanê. For Cîzre. For Afrîn. For Rojava. For Kurdistan! Poem "Valley of the Shadow"

in #life6 years ago (edited)

The age of tears, has come and gone
The wheel of time is forever still
Our sea of troubles – flat and calm
A steady Hand, is at the till

But in our streets, they tell a story
At Heavens Gates they tell the tale
and our children sing of the desperate glory
earned within, a darken’d vale

It tells of those who muster’d out for battle
in a war most said could not be won
To buy us time, while forces gathered
as titans clashed, and stopped the sun

Of fighters gather’d in the darkness
Of lines run-thru by wicked foes
Of flashing guns, and rocket arrows
On and on, that story goes

It tells of the old, and young, and women soldiers
Of how they fought, and how they tried
Of how they braced, then squared their shoulders
and fell together, side - by - side…

From canyons in the storied Mountains
their voices echo tales so true
their words fall in the Living Fountains
to over-flow, and turn them blue

And if you listen very softly
you’ll hear them tell that whisper’d tale
Of how they rose to final glory
deep within that darken’d vale

Though all seemed lost, they joined that battle
fought as One - and there they died…
‘Till they broke the lines of falling shadows
One more time…for all, humankind

~ Poem shared by D. Morgan "Heval Asît"

For more on the Kurds, check out my other posts :

Thanks for reading,
Kind regards,


Hi @ronahi,
beautiful poem, thank you.
How is the situation in Rojava now?
one more thing: The Links to the other posts don't work.

Hi @captainklaus
Thank you!
The situation in Rojava is pretty bad. Citizens are being bombarded by Turkish aviation and our fighters are being killed while they sacrificed so much to battle ISIS and save humanity. The once most stable and peaceful region in North Syria is now a bloody war zone. This truly breaks my heart.

Oh yeah ? Which links don't work ?

thats dramatic :(
but thanks for the update.
The Links work now, don't know what was wrong..

You're welcome, thank you for showing interest!

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