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RE: Reflections: My Life as a Hay Farmer

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Wow! Thank you @curie!! Up before 🌄 and started my morning with this wonderful surprise.

I began posting in May and this is the biggest honor I have received. No words to properly express my gratitude for the encouragement received.

I have a "day job," so will take some time, but I will definitely follow these links provided and learn more about the Curie community and what I can do to help others.

Working together we'll "make hay while the sun shines" and add value to our Steem blockchain. 👍

Thanks again!


Congratulations @rolerob on the curie vote and for producing such an awesome post :) I knew they would notice you eventually!

I grew up on a farm and totally understand all of this ... it sure is a job you must love, because it's certainly not for the money! :)

As always @lynncoyle1, thank you for the kind words of encouragement. Up early yesterday morning and find this result after posting the day before was the biggest lift I've had as a Steemian. I think this post is probably worth almost as much as all of my other posts combined. But, who's counting anyway ... 😉

"it sure is a job you must love, because it's certainly not for the money! :)"

No doubt about it. It is a lifestyle that people grow to love for themselves and their families.

Thanks for stopping by. All the best to you!

I was the fortunate recipient of a curie vote twice and each time, it's like Christmas morning for a kid :)

My father was a college graduate but went into farming many years ago when it was lucrative. He insisted that we kids all went to university and if we decided to take over the farm after we completed school, only then were we allowed. Needless to say, once we got off that train, we never got back on it, and I think my father was always thankful for that because he knew how difficult it had become. Sad really, the loss of the little family farm. It's all big business now.

Up before the roosters 🌄 here @lynncoyle1 (literally) and touched by this.

"... I think my father was always thankful for that because he knew how difficult it had become. Sad really, the loss of the little family farm. It's all big business now."

Yes, very sad to me. Is this "progress?" to lose a way of life such as it once was? Family farms can no longer compete really and those who still are determined to attempt to have a huge challenge.

My beloved lifemate grew up on a farm and I'll never forget first meeting her father (long since passed). He'd also be up before the roosters 🌄, quietly drinking his morning coffee and looking out over his fields, quietly reflecting on the day in front of him. On the horizon, just above the fields was a glorious view of the mountains. Magical time ...

That is .... If you could just drag your carcass out of your warm, cozy bed ... 😊, at that time of the morning ...

Well, I did! And of his 4 daughters choices for a lifemate, I was the only one of whom he approved to marry his "baby girl" ... (true story)

Hmmm. Seem to recall writing about "sowing and reaping" somewhere around here recently ... 👍

Sadly, before he passed, the family had lost the farm. While he seemed relatively OK over his last few remaining years, I don't think he ever quite got over that.

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