
Yep... what's old is new again... and again... and again...

When I was young and in touch with fashion it was all cut off army pants, dr Martin boots, band tshirts and flannelette shirts... which is close to what was in fashion 20 odd years earlier... it all comes back around, like a record (which hipsters love;)

Edit: I should add I'm waiting for baggy pants to come back! Can't stand this skinny shit the kids are getting around in

Too right with the skinny jeans! Worst thing is my girl is trying to get me to get a pair! Have you tried them on? Most uncomfortable!

Yeah, can't do it. I need some room to move in my southern necessities! Constantly on the hunt for "regular" or "loose" fit pants.

"... when it boils down to it, humans are in essence, biological machines - programmed through genetics and culture to do, act, and be exactly as chemically-structured to - and it really is a rarity that the molds be broken." Many have fought the programing of cultures over the ages and now are fighting the programing of genetics. Are we not beginning to modify our genes and merge technological hardware with our biological machines? Keep breaking molds!! The human spirit needs to control its destiny/reality and that includes finances. Blockchain for Life!!

So hip

😂 I'm in agreement. It's completely insane how time works. I'm sure when our parents were younger they listened to music that their parents couldn't stand; and so on. I still haven't got used to posting my every move on Snapchat let alone any other social site. I guess it's just they way the wave goes. Haha thanks for posting @rok-sivante :)

Maybe a grumpy old man with too much time to think. It's cool to acknowledge development and new technology (blockchain), and to be innovative. I'm embracing the decentralization!

Thanks for the read man

Very entertaining read hahah. I appreciate how you point out the cookie cutter nature of this whole movement that is supposed to be anything but cookie cutter. Thanks for sharing!

that many of them, too, felt unable to fit into any of society's cultural groupings limiting their freedom of self-expression

From the more eclectic people I've talked to...this seems to be the case. People have a desire to be unique, and it seems they will express themselves juuuuust enough to receive that designation.

Great post, as usual. The readability of your writing is improving as well! Great job!

Great post! It's really odd being the only one you resonate with, but you're right, we di seek our own tribes.

In our brave new world, we translate that into, as you put it, a "socially-encoded interpretive structure".

I guess in the end, we're all just walking each other home.

It's just the new generation and the cycle of life lol. There will always be weird trends on the rise and different things that come and go. The main point is that you keep true to yourself and keep enjoying life :)

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