
Whoa...this post made my morning! Whenever I get that itch to jump in on meaningless internet arguments I always say to myself "dont ride the drama llama!" , saves my ass every time! Funny you posted that image. Your absolutely right, there are so many pointless black holes on the internet that just suck up our energy and provide nothing of value. That's what i'm so glad to be on Steem...isnt it interesting that when us humans are provided some sort of incentive to be nice to each other we behave for the most part? I still haven't encountered a single negative argument yet on Steem (mind you i'm very particular on who i follow). Since being on this platform i'd say I go on facebook 90% less, which is awesome!!! I'm slowly learning how to be a writer again...used to write alot and have a strong desire to get back into it. Your post has inspired me more to go in that direction. Thank you!!! I always enjoy your posts, very intelligent insight. Its refreshing to read about topics that actually MATTER =)

Whaaaat? For real? (Drama lama). Cool.

Your welcome. :-)

Nice @rok-sivante, i like post you

You alright bro? Ping me! Sounded like you needed someone to talk to.

Lol. I was chatting with you last night while putting this together! 😎

Hey Rok. Would you mind if I read this out loud in a video and posted it as a comment? I’m trying to force myself to use all Video, and to make a concerted effort to add some utility to other posters, especially those who are already creating value/interest. I want to find good co hosts to create episodes, call in’s will work fine, but I’m still too much of a no one. You made some very positive comments when I joined a month ago and i think you don’t even follow me yet! Alx

If you choose, sure...

Lol well i did choose. It took an hour to get through. But it's FUN. Starting out with someone else's thoughts/post. Letting it take you where it will. Possibly working in curation/editing to help quality authors find and eliminate every "bug" [you don't have very many, but neither do you have zero].

I continue and continue to want to see more interactive, idea centric, forward looking, no risk no reward conversations created and shared here.

In lieu of that for now, i tried this.

it took till the 4 minute point to start reading it:

Nothing more to say..except👍 u just rock!!

We call it drama -wama...😉 the utility of other so called social media is just waste of time...its better to hv some value wrk with some value addition👌

I hear you dude. I actually stopped myself from commenting on FB. I would literally type out a massive comment and then end up deleting it and keep scrolling - it just isn't worth the hassle!

Wise choice of protocol. Haha!

Your post is awesome! Why is it so damn tempting to have your say??? I don't often do it, but invariably when I do I end up regretting it. It is our ego that wants to be right. Slashing my fb friends to the bare minimum in order to stay in contact with important friends and family has helped a bit.

Indeed. I’ve done a few Facebook purges to cut down my friends list in half - feels way lighter and more purposeful to tend to one’s social garden in such a fashion. Then, just a matter of discipline from there...

I guess I am lucky that I no longer feel the urge to argue with idiots on the internet... most of the time. Maybe the fact that I use my real name everywhere helps with that since I do not feel anonymous

That’s quite the life-changer right there, indeed!

Great post. So much there to take in. Agree about social media; hopefully steemit is different. You seem to have developed a rapid following in a short amount of time which points to quality. The focus really needs to be on quality rather than quantity. There is so much low quality bumf on the net that sifting through it gets harder and harder every year as people scream louder. I am yet to be convinced that steemit is the right answer but I am here to give it a go; it seems better than the alternatives at the moment. Keep up the good work mate.

I love to eat mushrooms and this food is looking so delicious thank you very much for sharing this post to us.....

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