
I agree that it's part of a perfectly unfolding bigger picture. And I believe it's necessary to swing one side to the other before finding the happy place. I think there's danger, though, in denying the truths lying within those conspiracy theories, and I think that's what you were getting at there at the end. It's crucial, in my mind, that we continue to be aware that the mainstream media is absolutely feeding people fluff at best, outright lies regularly. Should people be more discerning? Of course. That's why those of us aware have to speak up. Modern education was founded specifically for the purpose of dumbing down. Dewey knew the world needed factory workers who would respond to bells and orders. He knew also he needed kids out of the way so more adults could work. He was open about it. Did that darkness create some brilliant minds devising ways to learn differently, alas to actually just nurture learning that already happens? Absolutely. Check out the Sudbury Valley School and schools like it all around the world. The original founder left a tenured professor job at Columbia to start it. Do vaccines kill and injure people? Absolutely they do. Has that spawned an effort to make them more safe and effective? No. Not really because everyone dismisses those of us who believe that as crazy conspiracy theorists. But someday it will. So, while I agree there is ultimate perfection under the unfolding, I think a dismissive attitude towards those evolving ideas as conspiracy theories is maybe not helpful. I think you're right that many just discovering these things see others as the enemy or stupid or whatever, and that's surely not helpful either. It's important to understand everyone is where they're at and just stay focused on the positives of the world we're creating. Sorry if this is scattered. Kids are batshit right now.

I totally agree... look at the nationwide opioid crisis, difficult to disregard the role of bigpharma... or even banking manipulating the interest rates causing boom and bust cycles. This is all very real. These facts are needed for people to open their eyes.

I fully agree, and I also get the need to focus on what we're moving toward as opposed to fighting against.

yeah, I hear you. I am on a mission actually.

following you as as I see that you live in belize and into solar... we'll chat again for sure :)

Awesome. I had the feeling you were a kindred spirit. You're definitely a brilliant writer.

Good read mate, cheers mike

according to the Principle Of Correspondence, environment and the individual are mirrors of one another. so yes taking responsibility is all there is. I just wrote a blog about this but that cannot -- and never will -- excuse that the dumbing down does exist for real. Follow the money, as usual. Most religions regard usury as a capital sin. Debt slavery is as old as mankind... and the policy makers enjoying their kickbacks for pedaling the mantra that deficits support the economy. The most abject and immoral is going into debt for wars, why are world citizens not told this in elementary school? And now world govs are pouring billions of $ into AI weaponry... well, this will have dire consequences. Meanwhile many think that AI will bring abundance.

There is a metaphysical war out there... very real, mirrored by the environment and each individual.

Personal Responsibility And Love Are All There Is In The Perpetually Creating Universe (on my page, for those interested)

though perhaps it's all serving...

the "dumbing down," an evolutionary challenge to elict higher intelligence from the "superior" of the species who break out of the mold and push to new heights in spite of the obstalces...

the flaws of the financial systems, a catalyst for upgrading them...

the wars, a twisted means of evoking higher degrees of compassion, greater responsibility for playing a role in directing our collective future, a wealth of lessons...

perhaps so long as we're looking at it as a "metaphysical war," we'll overlook the perfection of it all as it unfolds in the larger timeline, observing it's merely the process of life evolving through time...

the "dumbing down," an evolutionary challenge to elict higher intelligence from the "superior" of the species

I do not buy into any form of (technocratic) darwism, that is where the mirage is successful. I have written extensively about it. My stance is based on the 7 Principles saying that a society that cannot overcome wars is doomed.

Man, I love this post!
I felt the same way about few things over my life, but at the end, the concept of subjective reality always kicks in and I start to analyse what I believe in. Right now I actually think you should believe in what could be productive and positive for you, some of the ideas of self-help could fit in that category but there are few things I cant accept (like anything metaphysical).

You should check my last post, where I talk about reframing beliefs. I think you will like it, just try not to categorize it as self help right away :)

Spirituality is brain wash since when? Tis the only way to truth !

that is why I call myself a metaphysicist, by merging science and the spiritual, we can remain balanced.


Not when certain “spiritual” principles are misinterpreted and taken to extremes...

Well. I have the utmost respect , and growing emgrossment in, Buddhism. And I agree with trying to drop the dualistic mindset. And in that vein I would say that what "government" does to us is true and it is also true that we do things to ourselves. There is a conspiracy, but not everyone is a fully willing player, and even those who are willing players are still human (as hard as that can be to accept at times). Not either or. Both. That is nondulism. Besides, do you really know that anything truly exists outside of being a mental formation? (if you really want to go down that rabbit hole I'm strange in that I would enjoy that conversation 😂)

But becoming always engulfed in negative judgment is self defeating. That is why I try to limit my time exposed to politics and news, and I avoid most major media as I find it to be harmful to myself.

It is better to focus on the positive. And even where there is negative I do think it is more productive to look for common ground and common humanity and try to work with things as they are as much as reasonably possible - although it is getting more and more unreasonable - let's not delude ourselves about that either.

It is better to focus on the positive. And even where there is negative...

it is about the ability to understand a 5000 year old human experiment and that the power structure has NOT changed since eons ... nothing is static but exponential. And either we address it or ignore it at our own risks.

Four stars for understanding @rok-sivante, we would not exist if what came before us was not real.

Good points all. But it seems to me you're still dealing with it at the conceptual level. And if you want to get past dualism, it's about the "realizing how your mind works" level. So, maybe this will be interesting to you. Maybe not.

it seems to me you're still dealing with it at the conceptual level

mmmm... partially. I suppose a point weaved in there that wasn't spelled out directly is the concept of moving beyond the conceptual level - through that abandonment of dualistic thinking. opening up into the full-spectrum, it's not so much conceptual as perceptive anymore.

got a number of books on-the-go already, but added this one to my Wish List. thanks for the recommendation. :-)

Great article. It's so easy to go overboard no matter what one believes in.

yep. perhaps a tendency of the evolving human to associate with the extremes prior to finding balance...

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