
I must say, I am slightly confused. The roller coaster you just put me on is forcing my brain to try to put together your thoughts.

However, I do agree that being authentic can be a problem. What if my authentic self is stuck in a BiasNarrative that I cannot get out of. What if my authentic self is a PoS that just wants to make you believe what I believe and does not care about the benefit to humanity or to the person who follows my lead.

However, as I am sure you know, being authentic is better than being fake or forcing a falsehood of who I am. Take Alex Jones of InfoWars for example. He is extremely inauthentic in the way that he acts crazy to just make money. (Maybe he is actually slightly crazy) But to me, there is nothing authentic about the guy. He uses people and ideas to gain personally. But wait, couldn't that in itself mean he is being his authentic self? Could his authentic self simply be a con artist taking money from those who most likely need it more than he does?

I think that authenticity is simply a part of the equation. The equation probably also involves self-understanding, experience, bias, effort, et all.

I want to see authenticity, meaning it came from you and not someone else. I want to see quality effort into your ideas, perhaps that means looking into links and posting those links for reference, or using what you have lived through in your life.

But more than anything, I want to see you are open to other points of view and able to accept other viewpoints in your life.

As always, thanks for a look into something complex and delicate.


Hehe. Perfect. Never try too hard to “put together my thoughts” - perhaps instead, sit in contemplation in the space of overlap not of “my thoughts,” but the perspectives the words are merely access codes to. There’s no linear order the ideas will fit into - these types of contrastive perspectives are merely an exercise in developing the capacities to break down the binary thinking, gaining access to Truths lying in the middle - something that can’t be “put together,” but rather grasped with the correct shifts in focus to reveal dimensions woven in between and underneath the surface “thoughts.” ;-)

Your welcome. And thank you for the awesome contribution to the discussion. Your comments really are consistently some of the best I’ve been getting lately. Your additions to this community are indeed valuable. 🙏

Oh I like that........ So just to put that into plain English, this post is just one in a long line of posts that will help straighten your thoughts for yourself to further understand.

Perhaps. Or maybe it’s just a vortex of confusion. Lol. (Or anything and everything in between). :-p

At some point since I started seeing this buzzword "authenticity" bouncing around the net, I began to think along similar lines as you. There is definitely some bullshit mixed in with any professed authenticity. And it seems especially true in the context of internet influencers marketing themselves, or teaching others how to market themselves. "Be your authentic self" they say, because that's what captures peoples' attention and will ultimately make you money.
The problem is, it can be hard to determine the authenticity of someone you've never met in real life from something they've written. When people who are trying to market themselves understand that authenticity works to influence people, you've got a recipe for a new brand of bullshit. Fake authenticity.

And that's fine. It helps us to fine tune our bullshit detectors. And ultimately it doesn't matter if someone is really being authentic or just faking it, as long as I find some value in the wave function of their words. No need to collapse it to binary.


Couldn’t have said that all better myself. You nailed it. Your clarification / input on the matter is much appreciated. 😊🙏

Excellent post, and something I have thinking about quite a lot since joining steemit.

(your post distilling my thoughts far more eloquently, than I was able to do in my own head).

Writing like this is new experience for me.
I only write things I want to write about - (not for upvotes)

My life has been a crazy one, for sure - and to commit these actions to 'paper' shows me off in a juvenile, immature, wise, clever, - and a myriad of other aspects.
My experiences I write are real, but depending from the perspective you are writing them, take on different meanings.

I can talk about my sex industry years, for example, and try to put my head space back to that time.

It would be an entirely different article than it would be if I wrote about the experiences from the head space - the perspective, I'm in now.

Both are authentic, both are honest.

And both are completely different narratives.

Ok... in the context of the few other posts I’ve written lately in regards to quality of comments - this is a fine example of a quality comment that reels me in to want to check out more of your content. Genuine addition to the conversation. Powerful reflections that cause pause for contemplation. And an alluring hook seeming to promise something juicy and interesting awaiting upon falling for the bait.

Love it. 💓

Again a good writing .. It's a pleasure to read your mind through your words.

The fine line or maybe more the "thin" line between Honest and Lies

All is whole! We all come from the one and the source of life!

An authentic life facing reality without mental equivocation is the simplest type of life. I really like your work it’s worthy to read. Keep it up 👍

Very meta; you definitely meandered between authenticity and bullshit even as you very elaborately elaborated on the fine line between authenticity and bullshit. Well done! 👏👏👏😀

He he. Nice. The feedback is appreciated. :-)

So, I'm an unschooler mom. Supremely oversimplified this means I think my kids are people and should be treated as such, naturally driven to learn, yada, yada. So, I joined this group for radical unschooling moms. I thought, hey, I'm radical, right? So, I get on, and there's a mom who's talking about how she wants to support her daughter in whatever she does, but her daughter likes Barbie, Life in the Dreamhouse. (What, you've never watched it?! You've no clue what you're missing!). Anyway, I basically said you can let your kid watch whatever, but there's no law that says you need to like it. I don't like a lot of stuff my kids watch. My point was that teaching your kids to honor their yeses by honoring your own is an important piece of teaching them to be authentic. They railed on me about how authenticity can be so hurtful. So, I left the group cause you're never gonna convince me that I need to love my little pony in order to be a good mom. I don't go telling them their shows suck, but I do say, no, I don't really like that show, so I'm not going to watch with you. When you're done, we can play together. I don't play race cars with my son because it bores me to tears, but I'm all about some blocks. We can authentically connect without me having to lose myself or pretend I'm someone else. However, I did receive their point that authenticity can be taken to assholery.

Man, I like it. It's a very complicated and twisting look at what face we are wearing. I think there are plenty of points to pick up on here. I like the idea of whether we need to interject our perspective into what someone else is posting about. I think another aspect of being authentic may be that we are all online. You can't really see emotion or inflection if type. Sometimes someone may seem authentic while spinning a yarn, and other times seem full of crap while being completely authentic. Great post!

This got my head spinning with the reflections. Love it. Haha! :-)

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