
In life sometimes we take shortcut, and in my opinion you confessed and that shows that you want to improve and you are improving. And good to hear that now you are going through the right path and upgrading your music effectively and for that i want to congratulate you and i want to appreciate your work for sure.

Life is tough and in the process of life we take different actions to get through from the current state of path and try to attain the success. And in my opinion every one holds different perspective towards life and that way they continue their life. So, we have to hold positive perspective because no matter what situation we will going to face because one day we will face good times and we will attain success.

Sometimes what we think we never get that and face setbacks in life but in my opinion Almighty Father holds great chapters of life for everyone but we have to be patient because we will not going to get the success in one day or in current moment. We have to continue our journey to attain the true success.

In life when we face failure, then most of the people change their perspective towards life and in my opinion that situation is not good at all because everyday will not be same because change is CONSTANT, and we will going to face bad times but inturn we will going to see great times too.

Good luck for your music production. Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

Reminds me of my facebook experience back in December 2017.

After having created my own website with spiritual articles in late 2016, it took me almost 1 year to finally drag my stuff onto facebook, creating a 'business page' and cultivating some connections. The reason I didn't do that earlier was because I felt no incentive to somewhat promote my writings since I preferred my peace, but finally I surrendered to this little inner voice urging me to do so. From December 17 to February 18 I gained about 700 followers, regular commenters whom I shared frequent conversations with, and quite some people sent me their private message for spiritual advice. Also worth mentioning is that in January I read about Steemit for the very first time, and I found the idea very appealing, yet for some reason I didn't delve deeper and instead forgot about it. Also at that time I had recurring dreams as to a 'new currecy system soon to go mainstream, which I should definitely be part of". I never really knew how this should look like. I knew about cryptocurrency in general but didn't think of it at all at that time.

Now then, after those ~3 months, my account had been disabled and shortly after deleted completely out of a sudden and there was nothing I could have done about it. Since I am a practitioner of my Intuition and understood that there are no coincidences, instead of commiserating myself I tried to see the learning lesson and the positive side as quickly as possible, which hen made me register for Steemit.

Thing is, if it hadn't been for this sudden account deletion, I would have probably not signed up on Steemit, at least not at that time. And suddenly my dreams made sense. In other words, such drastic event was necessary to let divine timing lead me to the right place at the right time, and having trusted in the deeper meaning and reason allowed me to see sense much more quickly.

Now I am grateful that all happened that way, having harnessed the curveball's energy for my closer alignment with my Soul path. :)

Hello @rok-sivante

He who is faithful with little will be given much more

You may not have all the equipments you need or desire, just work on your craft and refine it with what you have.

It is your results with what you have that will take you to the next level.

I wish you Success 🏂


I must confess my thought after seeing this title was actual different:

This story begins with a confession: I am a pirate.

I have used so many pirated sofware, cracked apk apps from, jailbreak iOS mobile, downloaded many premium tutorial videos such as lynda, udemy etc freely from pirates website like that of ooh I'm a pirate too lol, I'm amidst of the word where they say pirate not theft because the original is still there However, I don't support it and tends to end it like you did. It's sweth of people that are worth to be rewarded, I don't like sealing neither cheating.
Thanks for this awesome post, it get me motivated of being original. God sees everything, rewards hard work with smart work in good ways rather than treaking and using cheat around.

"God's delays are not denials."

I wish crypto moon and God bless me so I can reward those I have cheated/ give back to those I have gotten from and pay for my subsequent software and apps.

Good luck on your production Sir, God bless you!

I like the way you take things in good faith. Your attitude is already in the right place, and sure the next opportunity will be bigger and better

Yep, delays aren't denials buddy. Am sure you narrowly missed it for a reason. Like you say, It's probably for the best/ something better. Your music is still great

So true...time plays important role in deciding fate.... A kind of consolation for me @rok-sivante when everyting seems unclear with hiccups in life...thanks for sharing👌

I really like the way you twist your thoughts around. A modern pirate, Lol. You are just too cool @rok-sivante

You're right buddy; delay, certainly, is not denial.

PS: Software piracy has been something that has eaten deep into the hearts of many. Many people prefer to get a cracked version of an app than pay fully for the licensed version. How human.

PS2: I also await for crypto boom. Some of the coins I invested in have seriously cut my portfolio. I hope the moon arrives soon

Hmmn who knows, the delay might just be a blessing in disguise...thanks for sharing your experience.

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