
Spreading awareness about the eternal truth is a very tough task because no matter what; fear to death is instinctual just like any other reflex feeling. We tend to love a new born baby and it is natural feeling and Whenever I see a dead body; I am scared. Yes, I know Death is everlasting truth but sometimes the acceptance to this fact is just not natural. Unless this acknowledgement is not natural, No transformation will occur.

Acceptance of death bring you closer to the enlightenment

Not a long ago, I was in a hospital for a minor surgery. I happened to talk to lady who was diagnosed with cancer. She had accepted the death in its entirety and she was grateful for the life every moment. She knew that she was gonna die. One day, I went to her as she was counting something and I asked her "What is that you are countin'?" She said,"I am counting every breath and feeling grateful to it. I am feeling grateful to every atom of air which is basis of every life. I am accepting death."
I can't explain you the glow / aura that she was radiating at that time. The energy was such that every cell of body was bursting with unknowing experience. She died after a couple of days and that experience took me to rediscover my life in new ways. I started to accept the life process. I never wanted to die when I was a child and now I just respect the process. We can't do anything about it and acceptance is a smart way out :-)

I am still scared sometimes as I am afraid to loose my closer one's but, the intensity of fear is way lesser than it used to be.Of course, A little transformation has occurred after an unforgettable encounter with the lady :-)

I am not creative at all. I always feel connected to some of the writers and their way of writing. When I feel connected ; I write these experiences in a bit more presentable way. I couldn't have written that experience if post was not written the way you wrote it. Your way of writing makes me feel connected to deeper version of myself and then it doesn't seem a task to me. It becomes very natural process...:-).

All appreciation to you. You are a incredible writer @rok-sivante. I am looking forward to read more from your side.

We also fear death because we are simply not used to it. How many dead have you seen and touched? How many have you followed in pathology or laid hands on a dead man at the undertaker? How many of you gave the last escort, the wake?

We have banished death from life and that is why we fear it all the more. To experience death, we must first accompany the dying and witness the last breath.

The Buddhist monks practice this very effectively. They go together to visit the dead and also look at decayed bodies. Yes, yes, that sounds disgusting, of course, and the very idea of doing so seems morbid to us. But we already disgust ourselves of putting our hands in the ground and touching the worms. And to smell death: Oh, that would probably be traumatic. If we were not accustomed from earliest childhood to dead bodies being laid out and the stiffness of the limbs and the lifeless face understood as normality.

Sometimes the questions about birth and death just get a little too out of hand for me. Pragmatically and practically treated, death would be less horrible. But just as we all pack ourselves in cotton wool, it naturally takes on a dimension that does not really deserve it. Intellectually, therefore, we are obsessed with death. But in life we run away.

Excellent perspective. (As usual). :-)

How can we become reborn into renewed versions of our highest, expanding selves, if we do not surrender our former selves to a death such that the new can emerge?

This is a very big talk, but who wants to die?


I heard/read one fact some years ago that; it's the fear of death that makes a man's blood hot and spill when his neckhis slaughtered...
The fear boils the blood and the body becomes hot and suddenly become cold again after death

Every human experience fear, it's just the way we experience it that's different. For me I don't think death is something we should fear, what I think we should fear is the regret of not attaining what you should when you still have life.

Very nice post @rok-sivante, please look into the book writing thing I suggested in your last post if time will permit you... Ride on sir.

but who wants to die?


I wouldn't say "nobody" - as evidenced in those who 'commit' suicide. Lol.

Each of our paths is unique... some might be alot more difficult than others, and life can become a burden to some people - especially if dealing with very challenging diseases.

As I wrote a couple weeks ago, there also exists the perspective that we are immortal - these bodies but a shell carrying our soul for part of the journey, not that dissimilar to the shell a crab or other animals may exchange for another along the course of their lives. In that context - death might not even be viewed as a final conclusion, but a reset or a fresh start over. It may be understandable that - while we ourselves might not want to "die" at this point in time - there could come a time where we feel we've completed what we've come to in this particular body, and may be ready to carry on for a fresh start in a new one.

Food for thought... ;-)

Yea i read the immortal and I remember every bit of it...
Lol... My mum do not believe there is life after death though...

When I said nobody wants to die, I thought it well before writing it down, because they commit suicide doesn't mean they really want to die, if they get free from whatsoever makes them what to commit suicide they'll gladly not want to die... Frustration is a killer, I won't say they killed themself it's the frustration that did... The fear of not wanting to die with the whatever ailment the issue may be... That's why I said write a book... Now let's look into this, imagine a girl who is being raped by her father constantly decides to commit suicide, it's not because she wants to die but it's because she feels she can never escape the predicament because it's her father who is assaulting her, so she feels the next way out is to commit suicide, if a motivator happens to pass by at the moment and talk her out(Convince) her not to, trust me she will surrender and obviously think of a way to fight the issue... Death is not a thing anybody will want, even a mad man will move out of the way when a truck is coming his way...

I think you reveal part of your answer in your closing thoughts. We fear death because we must in order for it to be useful to us.

Many years ago I had a publisher at Harper Collins San Francisco asking me to send him a manuscript for a book I'd successfully pitched. A decade later I still hadn't written it when I got a terminal diagnosis from my doctor. Needless to say, it was an incorrect diagnosis, but in the months it took us to figure that out, I finally wrote that book!

We cling to these bodies, and the stories that constitute "me" that we attach to the history of the body's thoughts and experiences, because we are designed to treasure these lives as something precious and fleeting. Perhaps we should think about death more.

Well a literal death is feared by many primarily because of the unknown, and possible pain associated with it. I don't fear death per se, it is the process of dying am afraid of

Rebirth is so necessary for our progress, it makes me wonder if our natural deaths are the finality of things. Like you said, we all need to die a little each day to keep making progress

Do you believe in rebirth after natural death @rok-sivante?

I neither believe nor disbelieve. :-)

I think the fear of losing the loved ones thst make people fear for their death. The complete salvation can only be attended when people get rid of their love for artificial source if happuness. What we say in Hindi " Moh" the love and "Maya" the desire. How better it coyld ve, if everone understabd the cycle of rebirth from one cycle to another

We can't evolve, so long as we cling to self-identities derived from yesterday's memories. We need to die a little each day to create the space for discovering who we are becoming.

This is a nailed point

Valid and very strong.

You are right

I think that being afraid of death makes us human

It seems like I have to learn more about this "yin" and "yang" law. I have heard of this, but I have not fully understood it. Regards @rok-sivante

t'is a big key... ;-)

it's really a great quote

What is a great quote?

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