
The first creation is Sound and Vibration and if we give some time to observe in silence then we can clearly feel two aspects and that is, Sound and Vibration. And through our current situations and environment these sounds and vibrations transforms our daily life accordingly.

In my opinion there is no difference between the Spirituality and Science because both are interrelated means, science dig into all aspects of creations but spirituality dig into the connected aspects and it try to find the channel of connection between the aspects which holds the connections.

And our thoughts are not an invisible aspect, inturn in my opinion our Feelings and Thoughts come out with vibrational vibes and mix in the environment. And that's why sometimes we feel something or we thought about something and we can soon find that aspect near us, inturn in my opinion all these are effect of interconnection of the vibrations.

We Human Beings are more than what we think and with time we stopped the effective usage of the numerics of brains. And Ancient creations are the answers for these aspects because creations of Ancient times are much expanded with the Numerical Excellence so that shows that human beings of that time used their brain percentage to most extent.

And to experience the true essence of any aspect then there is no better researcher than one self because, many think that Intuition is just like that, but we have to understand that, our Subconscious Mind in background work upon our doubts and the Intuition is related the part of the Subconscious Research.

And we live in 3D Dimension and many say that there are unlimited dimensions, but in my opinion these dimensions are nothing but the increase in the usage of the Brain Percentage because if our brain expands then our world also expands.

Good to read this piece and this post help me to deep dive into the thoughts to born the answers.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

Daaaaaaaaamn, son!

Now that is a comment! 🏆


Thank you so much for your appreciation. Stay blessed. 🙂

Comment larger than the post!!

I believe there are similarities and differences between the science and spiritually since science can prove all that happened in the course of their findings and research but spiritually is kind of nature which sometimes we don't find answer to some set of questions poses.scientists and spiritual teachers pursue very different goals. While the purpose of the former is to find explanations of natural phenomena, that of the latter is to change a person’s self and way of life. However, in their different pursuits, both are led to make statements about the nature of reality that can be compared.

The general notions about human understanding…which are illustrated by discoveries in atomic physics are not in the nature of things wholly unfamiliar, wholly unheard of, or new. Even in our own culture they have a history, and in Buddhist and Hindu thought a more considerable and central place. – J. Robert Oppenheimer (1954

The extensive explorations of the relationships between science and spirituality over the past four decades have made it evident that the sense of oneness, which is the key characteristic of spiritual experience, is fully confirmed by the understanding of reality in contemporary science. Maybe yes or no, I have read more about it since I'm preoccupied with lot of questions that wasn't find answer as far as spirituality is concerned.

When I think of Lipton, the first thing I think of is the tea x'D

But in regards to our energy merely changing and not essentially dying is something I can vibe with. What people seem to forget is that Quantum Physics and Metaphysics harbor different sides of the same coin.

When we can realize that we are not are bodies, nor senses, and even experiences—we can free our spiritual selves to higher energies. You are the first person to bring up Epigenetics. Up until now, I believed that we only evolve through life cycles and heriditary.

It's refreshing to know that our DNA and cells are constantly being overwritten all the time. In a sense, it gives life just a little more meaning!

Quantum Physics and Metaphysics harbor different sides of the same coin.


Nothing is new under the moon. Many have known this for centuries, more still don't and will not. However brilliant his work is, it's not revolutionary and it's up to us individually to go and find the truth.

Thank you, yes this resonates. . And it’s all Truth. Realized much of this while practicing self inquiry meditation the last 8 years based on the teaching of Ramana Maharshi. We think we die because we think we are a something when in fact we are not a thing. Individuality is also an illusion. IME, had to find out who was thinking, seeing, hearing, etc before this made sense. Many years of inquiring into the nature of the “I” thoughts in the head shed a light on a new existence.

Well, yeah @rok-sivante! while I totally concur that WE as a whole 'entity' and that all the cells in our bodies may well be actually receivers/transmitters on this current perceptual plane/reality. When we start to yak about vibrational frequencies & spirituality sprinkled with concepts from a perspective of reincarnation & immortality. My healthy Agnostic rebel Skepticism rather almost always tend to lead me thru these too busy dusty paths and endpoint.

However, as a restless & curious scientist beast. With those 'features' rooted deeply in me. And above all, if we look around every corner all over steemit right now. From a pragmatic point of view. I can perceive and understand your ATP's transmigrated angle and standpoint yet. };)

HaHa! I knew that you are this type of guy :)

I currently read a book from Robert Anton Wilson "Cosmic Trigger" and I watched Lipton and Terence McKenna, Rupert Sheldrake, Alan Watts and Nassim Harramein for a good amount of time on youtube. I then left them but always come back to them. There is a certain fascination about the art of saying things.

Though I share the fascination with immortality and science fiction is full of it I ask myself if that is not only the case because death is still an enemy of the humankind which it cannot accept. But also, there is a great longing to have faith and to believe in something. Maybe our modern times ripped us off all symbolism in the C. G. Jungs approach of "collective memory" which kind of reminds me at Sheldrakes "morphogenetic field". I once had a conversation through email with him because I wanted to market the idea of telephone-telepathy and wanted his permission to use him as a reference. Unfortunately I found no programmer who works for free for an app of that kind. I even wrote an article here in my beginners time to finance it and to find people who support it. Still, it's a charming idea, I find. Here is the article:

If you are further interested, read an article of mine about the loving affairs between science and spirituality:

death is still an enemy of the humankind which it cannot accept.

Only within the context of a belief system that frames it as such. ;-)

True. But would we not frame it as such we were more relaxed towards sickness and accept dying just so. I wonder if someone who is an "immortalist" can have a night watch and feel good about it sitting with a dead in a room.

I hardly bother if we are immortals but, his discovery made us aware about the endless possibility of human learning. When we die, we leave our mind and body here for decomposition by some cool microorganisms. We never take our memory with us, because of its dimensional dependence on the mind. All we take with us, is non-dimensional. I like how he linked those cells which are transmitting some waves and interconnecting with the outer world. Each person has different Aura and thus unique vibration. These vibrations produced can be positive or negative depend on what information we have feed to our brain. As someday., I heard by some speaker" If we don't read newspaper we are uninformed and if we do read them than we are misinformed" How true is that! The endless amount of information is going in our mind. I know some of the people can control the impact of misinformation,
what about kids? What about someone who is just in his twenties? It's tough in the present surrounding.
I stopped to look upward, when I met my master and when he said "I am least concerned with God or next life, all I am concerned with this life"
Though, There are many theories about the next life. How our energy is transferred to a particular womb and who knows we become a new life. I hope Science could come up with measuring that unique frequency of the person and if any person with the same vibration frequency ever exist on the planet Earth after the death of first one, It means " He is the same human, it is just energy get transferred to the new body." and I don't think this secret of life is going to be so simple but who knows?

Thank you for spreading consciousness. I enjoyed it.
Lots of love

Thank you for sharing this video @rok-sivante !
For me the most prevalent thing here is not about immortality, but the way he describes conscious and unconscious ways being. It fits right into a puzzle Ive been trying to solve for some time. The question of do we have free will, and how we control and is acceptance/surrender the only thing we truly have?

I feel when we are conscious we are actively taking control of this life. I feel it as my true Self (in capitals) coming in through my crown, taking ownership over my energy stream, that which spends my body life and the power of creation. Ive been playing around a lot with concepts of Yin and Yang, and especially in its variation of Feminine and Masculine, trying to find its purest form, a search inspired by one of my friends and teachers. If feminine is the form, the dancing energy, I feel that which comes in through the crown, that which holds presence, and commands energy might be pure Yang, the true masculine!
Any way rant over, thanks for inspiring with your post, might be my time to finally get back to writing.

Peace Out!

It'd be difficult to overstate the massive significance of Bruce Lipton's work, as what he shares is amongst the most leading-edge expansions into awareness regarding the dynamics of science & spirituality's interoperation. Absolutely some of the best out there.

You say some of the best, I say the best I've come across with

It's very hard to believe that a scientist may actually believe in spirituality
I mean they are like two opposite family...

This is a very great post here @rok-sivante... But I'm still very inquisitive right now, I have a hundred and one questions i may want to ask though, but I believe Bruce Lipton will be in the best position to answer them.

But it still doesn't stop me from asking; just like I read now, everything about a human is scientific, except giving birth... Why is that so?

Another is, if giving birth is spiritual what should dying be classified as; spirituality or scientific.

I agree with the fact where you said the skin/body isn't the real person...
That's absolutely correct, I have written about that almost a million times. The body is only a material that carries out the physical activities of the mind, it's like the new advanced BCI where the brain have to do the thinking and the system plugged directly to the scalp of the brain carries out the duty.... This is pure science... But how the body works is the combination of spirit and science...

I do have a lot to say on this, because this is a very great topic, but I just have to cut it all short.

When looking back at history upon the list of thinkers whose impact altered the course of humanity to create quantum breakthroughs, such as Einstein, Tesla, Galileo, Leonardo DaVinci, etc - Lipton may rightfully fit for the body of knowledge the contributions have opened access to.

Yes Lipton is undoubtedly a genius that should be mentioned when great people are been celebrated, and I believe people like Davinci and the likes should also be checked out just as you've mentioned for those who doesn't know them... It was a great privileged going through your post and I believe you have more to offer...

The answers to your questions might be best found through direct experience, as no logical/linguistic answers are likely to generate the insight you seek.

Ayahuasca would probably help you get there... :-)

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