It smells like coffee, tastes like coffee, but the color is clear

in #life7 years ago (edited)

A young man from Kosice in Slovakia, after a two-year study, has launched coffee that looks like water.
It contains everything that the right coffee should have.
Dávid Nagy (26) "I can only say that translucent coffee contains only roasted coffee, pure water and caffeine. I've got rid of the coffee, but it's not chemical, but physical, "says the young inventor.
No chemicals or additives are used for production. Also, no preservatives, flavorings, stabilizers, sugar or artificial sweeteners are used. Nagy claims that translucent coffee coffee as well as normal coffee, but tastefully brings something completely new.

The effects are like classic coffee, but because caffeine needs to be supplemented, we can adjust its exact level. Currently there is 80 mg of caffeine in a 200 ml drink. For comparison, espresso contains about 60 mg and potted coffee around 100 mg of caffeine. I'd say it's such a golden center. Needless to forget, however, that thanks to the clarity of the teeth, the teeth are not as common coffee.


Nice post, followed you via steem follower, follow back @rishherbalist

thanks for sharing this the invented coffee in stores near us... wanna have a try. tks for sharing this vital info

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Is it water with added caffeine then?

Everything is natural, more info

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