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RE: The Roads Had Hushed All That Jibber-Jabbering

in #life5 years ago

I seriously argue with BOTH the GPS as well as my husband if we are trying to find our way anywhere. We thought it'd solve our map arguments, but NOOOOO... seems he needs BOTH the GPS and me to direct him, and blames us both when we stuff it up.


Lol! It certainly doesn't stop arguments. So the last road trip I went on with my husband, he was driving and I suddenly noticed the gas was pretty low. We weren't far from our destination but we were about to enter rush-hour traffic in a city. So I, in a mild manner, told him to get gas. But of course he has to use the GPS to find his ideal station, although there is one on almost every block in the city! The blasted thing took us all over the place, in and off the interstate continually, before I finally put my foot down and said just drive to the next exit and find a station! Low and behold, the next exit had one. Crisis averted :)

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