The Icelandic Solution- Part 2: The Slippery Slope

in #life7 years ago


I used to do a series of college lectures in the social sciences, one of which was named Designing the Perfect Society- a two-parter, each three hours long. Since the dawn of civilization mankind has strived tirelessly to accomplish this goal.

The primary purpose behind Hitler's ambitious eugenics program was racial purity. One method of accomplishing this was by eliminating anyone that didn't fit into the Aryan (whatever that is) paradigm- including, but not limited to, Jews, Poles, Slavs, Gypsies, homosexuals and anyone with disabilities, both physical and mental. What's going on in Iceland in the present day is merely a natural extension of what the Nazi's began- the only difference being the method of extermination.

Let's examine the natural progression of eradicating these "undesirable traits." First, we must begin by determining what these traits are. As I wrote in the previous post, I coached in Special Olympics in college and as far as I can see, people with Down Syndrome have just as much right to live as anyone else... in fact, we can all learn a great deal from these wonderful folks. The benefits of having them as members of society vastly outweigh any inconvenience. So then, the impetus behind eliminating these people must be financial. That being the case then, what other traits can we bookmark for elimination? Because, once this starts, it won't stop with Down Syndrome.

The test used to determine whether or not a fetus is prone to have a predisposition for Down Syndrome, besides being imperfect, can also be used for other things as well. It tests genetic markers to determine if there is a familial genetic probability passed from one parent to the infant. If present, it's important to note that there's no guarantee that the infant will have the condition- only that the possibility exists. Moreover, the same test can be used to find a genetic predisposition for other ailments as well, such as cancer, as well as mental conditions such as depression or alcoholism. If the right gene is present, then the possibility exists.

As discussed, the impetus for eliminating these undesirable traits is primarily financial, particularly in treating something like cancer. When we take into consideration the social costs, as well as financial, in terms of time, anguish to loved ones, etc. that could be avoided simply by eliminating fetuses prone to this terrible disease- the benefits are phenomenal- especially if we apply it to all other diseases combined. Think about it- using the Icelandic Solution, we could eliminate disease altogether- simple by aborting all fetuses. But wait, do we really want to go that far? Wouldn't it be preferable to simply exist as the imperfect beings that we all are- Down Syndrome and all?

GIF by @papa-pepper



The problem with most genetic markers are they are a double edged sword.

Like the markers for psychopathy are the same ones that make the most caring, sensitive individuals.

So many things that are a bane in one paradigm are a boon in another.

Yeah!!! Genetic science is a truly unexplored realm.

One thing I pointed out in my lectures... If the Atlantic Ocean represents what there is to know about genetics, the Great Lakes represents what we think we know, and a bucket of water represents what we actually know. There's no concrete evidence that genetics even plays a part in something like alcoholism. Just because you can find some link, such as for example, my uncle drank and so did I... there's no guarantee of a genetic predisposition. There are other mitigating factors like we were both combat veterans...

In the 1930's when Eugenics was all the rage, young women were being sterilized for being "slow." There was one young woman such as this in Alabama who got pregnant by a drifter. She lived with an aunt who didn't want the infant so it was placed in an orphanage. Given these genetic characteristics, the infant would likely be "slow" especially with the environmental conditions... she grew up to be the first woman to graduate from Harvard Med.

Yep, that's true. A bucket. And they are talking about genetically engineered children. The DNA manipulator thing works perfectly now... they say.

And then there is other explanations such as reincarnation. Lets say you were born into the same family every third generation. (and reborn...) So, if you are intelligent, then this family will be known for developing intelligent offspring. Its in the DNA... right? Well, yes, because the DNA is a reflection of who you are. But it is you who created the DNA for your rebirth. In Buddhism this is well known, or mostly its just assumed because it fits the evidence well (and some great rinpoche said so long ago).

I have 3 children and could have had none of them without medical assistance. I would have been dead 3 times. To me this makes me genetically...challenged? And then, the first child has become a productive member of society at 18 years.

Yup... They would have sent a "counselor" in to "advise" you in very kind and reassuring terms saying things like: "You don't want your child to grow up without the same opportunities as other children, do you?" Then they browbeat you into an abortion!

I don't know if you read part one or not, but Iceland claims to have ended Down Syndrome, not because of any medical breakthrough, but by aborting babies that show any possibility for it. In one article, a doctor expressed amazement that 3 "made it through."

I did read Part One, extremely upsetting.

I coached in SO and those were the most wonderful people to be around... I'm a better person just for having known them! They tell you: "Don't touch the athletes" but my kids all hugged me all the time. I just can't imagine wanting them dead!!!

Yes, I have a long time regular customer with Down Syndrome. When I see how our world is becoming increasingly cruel, obsessed with power, money and success at all costs, the thought of those "attributes" becoming even more entrenched through eugenics is enough to scare the shit out of me.

"When good becomes evil and evil becomes good..." The way they parse it is that "it would be cruel to let these people live. It's kinder to kill them" The Nazi's were experts!

Loved your post richq11 really very interesting.

Did you read the first part?

Holding my judgement until they come up with a genetic marker for Leftism ;>

If you have any of your old courses, you should publish them...

Wait, IIRC, they are on floppy disk, right?

I might have to get you a floppy to USB face

Yup, actually that lecture is straight out of the book I was writing. I still know it... the students used to ask me how I did lectures without using notes. I told them- you either know the material or you don't.

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