One Nation Under God vs. The Hierarchy Of Victimhood

in #life5 years ago

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 America is at a crossroads, or should I say another crossroads. Will we go forward as One Nation under God (emphasis on One Nation), or splinter into victim groups- ethnic subgroups, identity groups based on sexual orientation, ideology, etc., all scrambling to position themselves in the hierarchy of victimhood and the subsequent battle for extra rights? The Supreme Court has begun opening arguments on a case that will have far reaching effects as to the future of America. 

 In one vision, what matters is loyalty to and affiliation with a nation-state that is self-contained, independent, civic, and colorbind. In the other vision, priority is given to one’s membership in a subnational group that is based on subjective self-identity (like race or sexual orientation), and association with that group yields benefits and preferences in everything, from hiring to contracting, employment, housing, and even electoral redistricting.  

 The 1990s saw Affirmative Action programs that were designed to give minorities a "leg up" in hiring for jobs that were "underrepresented." As well intentioned as these programs might have been, they were an abject failure as the only people that benefited were elites, primarily upper-class white women. As the 21st century rolled in, the subjective minorities began adhering to the "squeaky wheel" philosophy and America was barraged with a non-stop hue and cry over rights. Reason notwithstanding, this clamor has led to where it is today... and the issue is more complex than it might appear on the surface. 

  The divide essentially comes down to a commitment to America as a nation vs. a commitment to one’s subgroup and the hierarchy of victimhood. But it doesn't end there. The primary question revolves around the census-  more precisely whether or not   a question of ethnicity should appear on the census. Those on the left argue that it would intimidate ethnic minorities from participating. However, being that political districts are drawn using ethnicity to ensure an even representation, it would seem that they're cutting their own throats so to speak. 

  The hearing Tuesday did not in the least devote itself to these large questions of nationhood, sovereignty, and the like.  Instead, there was a lot of technical and statistical back-and-forth between liberal justices and United States Solicitor General Noel Francisco, who represented the administration, and between the conservative justices and New York Solicitor General Barbara Underwood; Dale Ho, the lawyer for the New York plaintiffs; and Douglas Letter, the lawyer who represented the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives. All of these latter individuals argued against including the citizenship question.  

 Ho, perhaps unwittingly, made the case that “if the minority group has relatively low citizenship rates, for example, as is the case with Hispanic populations in some circumstances, then you need citizenship data to make sure that you’re drawing a district in which minority voters are, in fact, a majority of the population.”  

 Which makes my point perfectly.  Justice Neil Gorsuch thus jumped on Ho’s argument and pointed out that “some of the states who are now respondents before us have in litigation, including in this court, argued that [American Community Survey] data should not be relied upon for purposes of citizenship or other purposes, that the census data is more accurate. What do we do about that? It seems to me like you kind of put the government in a bit of a catch 22.”  This because only US citizens are allowed to vote (perhaps I should say theoretically here). The Left, or more accurately the Democrats need the votes of illegal aliens to win elections. In districts where perhaps what would amount to a decisive majority aren't allowed to vote it presents a big problem for the left. 

  It is the unified left that is in a catch 22, however—and the Voting Rights Act, as it is currently interpreted, put it there. The left does not mind (it in fact loves) the racial gerrymandering that is aided by census questions on ethnicity, race, and so forth. But because what is actually needed is voters, the administration can now say it needs citizenship data, since only citizens are allowed to vote.  

 This essentially means citizenship data on the American nation itself—not arbitrary subgroups—would determine the shape of the House of Representatives, and the number and composition of electoral votes at election time. Our elections would more accurately represent the America that really exists, not the faux America envisioned by intersectional activists.  

  To win this issue, not just in the Supreme Court, but in the all-important court of public opinion, those who believe in the nation-state must constantly make the case that its view of the nation is nonracial, but instead is truly inclusive and colorblind. We must show that the other vision leads to balkanization, conflict, and ultimately, national splintering.  

 It's this splintering and balkanization that presents the problem... although not an issue at present, what happens when districts are drawn along lines of sexual orientation in places such as San Francisco? Or transgenderism, Satanism, or any other social subgroup? The struggle for "extra rights" is only growing in size and scope and there's no telling where it will end if somehow common sense isn't factored into the argument somewhere. 

 There was a time, not that long ago- I certainly remember it- when we were all just One Nation Under God... a Christian nation made up of many different ethnicities- "a melting pot." Now this melting pot has been turned into a cesspool, by these intersectional victim groups, motivated not by a lack of rights- they have all the same rights as other citizens- but by greed. The reason that America succeeded for over 200 years is because we began as a Christian nation and that was the bond that held us together, regardless of nationality. As can be expected there were some difficulties in assimilating, but we had God and a set of laws based on Judeo-Christian principles to direct us along the way. 

  The problem with the intersectional approach is that all of these groups, whether ethnic, based on sexual orientation, or some other subjective division is that none want to assimilate- they want to remain autonomous and possess an autonomous set of rights. Instead of one set of laws, morality, or behavior that govern us, they wish only to splinter society into different subsets... divide and conquer. 

 A large part of the problem is that the useful idiots on the Left refuse to live in a world based on reality. In the intersectional fantasyland the government is the answer to all their problems. Several Democrat candidates for the 2020 Presidential election are pushing "Free College" to curry favor (and votes) from Millennials. Who will pay for it? Why the government, of course. They seem not to understand that the government only gets money by taking it from taxpayers... or maybe they're just too self-absorbed to care. As Ben Franklin so aptly said: "When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic."  

 Imagine what will happen to our republic when illegal aliens find that they too can vote themselves money. This is what happens when groups refuse to assimilate. People don't have to give up their heritage to be good Americans. Look at the Irish, the Italians and all the other nationalities- they brought parts of their cultures and added them to American culture making it great. More recently the Vietnamese, Laotians and Cambodians came in the post-Vietnam War era and all assimilated while holding on to their own cultures. We have many of this latter group where I live and they've added rather than subtracted from our culture. 

 The latest groups... the "caravans" are motivated not by a desire to become Americans, but to take advantage of our generous welfare system- they get benefits where Americans, many veterans who served America faithfully are denied. This new group even has the audacity to carry flags of their native countries showing disdain for America... this is an invasion, an invasion of Democratic voters who have no consideration for anyone other than themselves. They are an army of criminals- rapists, drug and human traffickers and the Democratic party are perfectly content to trade America's sovereignty for votes. In this hierarchy of victimhood the real victims are the American people and if the Democrats are successful, One Nation Under God will only be a memory. 


There was a time when America was a Christian Nation but then we compromised and became a Melting Pot and later as cesspool. It was a process we didn't become a cesspool by accident. Even a very small lowering of the bar duplicates and multiplies in negative ways. I believe the elites want us divided and use our fragmentation to their advantage. Thanks for sharing @richq11

I'm writing something about that as we speak my friend!

Curated for #informationwar (by @thoughts-in-time)

Ways you can help the @informationwar!

Hey Rich, nice to hear from you.

Thanks... I've been focusing a lot on WeKu trying to get established there, but it's good to be back.

Do you not have a record of voters?
In backward NZ it is compulsory to enrol at I think 18, this role is updated with your current address just before an election. [every 4 years, unless there is a special election].
Voting is not compulsory, before getting the voting paper your name and address is verified and the, [at the moment paper book] is marked.
After the election, each name is checked to make sure nobody voted twice.
With the number of people in the US, the paper system wouldn't work, but a computer would laugh at the job, and it would be instant.
Not listed, no vote.

The computer is the problem. It's so unsecure that a 13 year old can (and did) hack it. In places where they use paper the corruption is rampant. For fun Google Broward County Election fraud or Brenda Snipes.

I think that they use Uni students looking for some eating money to do the checking but have never inquired.
Surely in this modern day and age, they can produce a program that can't be hacked.

Then the corruption and voter fraud would stop... they don't want that!

We must be a backward country, from memory, only 75 - 80% bother to vote here because it is not compulsory. 100% moan with the result, whether they voted or not, though.
I think that there is a "period of being fed and entertained by the Government for any voter cheating, which helps prevent it.

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