Alfie Evans: A Story That Shouldn't Go Away

in #life6 years ago

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This is a story that bothers me on so many levels... First, I can still close my eyes and see that precious little face- he shouldn't have died that way with so many good people willing to help. By withholding the assistance from outside sources, the government of the UK essentially murdered him. It also bothers me as an advocate for children and families- strong families are the glue that holds societies together. And finally as a critic of governmental overreach... as we trudge along the long road toward global totalitarianism we all owe it to ourselves to throw as many roadblocks as possible in the way of global technocrats with no sense of humanity... and that includes abortionists!

Yesterday I learned that the hospital, Alder Hey, where Alfie was held prisoner, fell under criticism several years ago for selling the organs of children as far back as 1993. "The exchange of organs for cash is the latest twist in the Alder Hey organs scandal – and the first time body parts from living children have been involved."

"According to the news report, Alder Hey sold the body parts to a French vaccination company named Aventis Pasteur, which donated money to the hospital’s cardiac department after receiving thymus glands from the operations. The hospital admitted that it sold the body parts removed during heart surgeries to the company. The practice is similar to Planned Parenthood, which sold body parts from aborted babies for profit." When it comes to the practices of Planned Parenthood in the US, this is kind of old news- it's become SOP- (Which doesn't make it right)- in fact they seem proud of it. British Prime Minister, Theresa May defended the hospital saying that it should be the decisions of doctors and the state rather than parents and family when it comes choices in medical treatment.

"But Terri Schiavo’s brother Bobby Schindler disagrees and told LifeNews that courts should never have prevented Alfie’s parents from caring for their son, who ultimately died on Saturday less than a week after doctors yanked his life support without their consent."

"The head of the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network told LifeNews: Like Tom and Kate Evans, I know how terrible it is to be powerless to care for a loved one, but I cannot imagine the unique tragedy of being prevented from caring for a child in the way that the United Kingdom and European Courts barred them from exercising what so many recognize as their basic parental rights to provide care.”

As I wrote in my last post about this tragedy: this is about the rights of the individual juxtaposed against the power of a totalitarian state... which, lamentably, the UK has lapsed into. Carol Tobias of The National Right to Life Committee affirmed this assessment weighing in with: “Let’s be clear: Alfie Evans was sentenced to death by Britain’s National Health System and the High Court. Their intransigent commitment to the country’s faulty single-payer health system led them to conclude it was better for Alfie to die than leave the country and receive potentially life-saving treatment elsewhere." Ms. Tobias also said this should never happen to any other parent or child anywhere.

Almost a year ago I wrote a post about an experience I had while managing cemeteries (I'll leave a link below). My secretary and I went to a local hospital to pick up about 12-15 babies that had been aborted or otherwise died prematurely so we could bury them. It's painful to repeat the story, you can read it for yourselves, it may help you understand why children are so important to me- except to say that the manner in which the hospital personnel treated them was abhorrent... they acted like we were there to take out the trash. After reading about the hospital in little Alfie's case my curiosity was aroused, so I spent a part of yesterday afternoon on the telephone. I wanted to see if the program to bury these babies was still in place- the original story took place in 2001- and you'll never guess what I found out. That was the only time it ever happened. While still managing the cemeteries, I would call from time to time, but "nothing now," was the response I got.

I called the owner of the funeral home to find that the program had been suspended... parents could still get their child's body by request through a funeral home. "Well, what happens to the rest?" I asked. "Let me call you back," my friend replied. Well, you'll never guess what I found out... my friend confirmed my suspicions, the organs are removed and sold. I also suspect that the only good that may have come from Alfie's case was that so much public attention was drawn to it, they couldn't part him out without getting caught.

The Italian government proposed to grant Alfie citizenship and give him free medical care. Even the phony Pope stepped in on behalf of Alfie and his family. The British courts refused to allow them to leave "because travelling might pose a health risk for Alfie." They removed his life support to let him die, but travelling might pose a health risk???

The Medical Ethics Alliance, a group of British doctors called the Evans case, "medical tyranny," and that's exactly what it was. But the responsibility doesn't end with the medical profession, there's plenty of guilt to go around. With their usual penchant for hypocrisy, the British Parliament is proposing "Alfie's Law," to see that this can "never happen again." What absolute rubbish! I guess they forgot about little Charlie Gard just last year. This isn't an isolated case, it's standard operating procedure. This is Theresa May's defense:

“This is a tragic case. I think all of us feel enormously for the parents of Alfie."

“This is a great tragedy to have to go through, the death of a child, and particularly to see it happen in this way."

“It’s important that decisions about medical support that are given to children and to others are made by clinicians, by those who are expert in that matter, but I think at the moment we all feel for Alfie’s family and our condolences are with them."

I for one, don't believe two words of what Theresa May says. I believe that they will keep on doing the exact same thing, the only difference is that parents and families will be further removed from the decision-making process. In the US, Planned Parenthood will continue making money from stripping the unborn of their body parts while the American public goes on footing the bill to the tune of $500 million a year. That way PP can go on donating $30 million of it to Democratic lawmakers who push to keep murdering babies legal. The Alfie Evans and Charlie Gards, not to mention the other unnamed babies murdered every year are no more than spare parts to these monsters. I will continue to fight for families, children and the unborn as long as I have breath in my body.



The Alfie Evans scenario is exactly what will come to the USA if we ever have completely socialized medicine. We were already very close to it under Obama.

Never give up your guns. Never give up your speech. Never vote for Democrats.

That's why I keep writing these posts!

It's sickening that May and the state show no remorse whatsoever. We owe it as a duty to ourselves to fight government control of our lives. We certainly can't wait till there's another Alfie Evans to do so.

What can you say...many people are slowly waking up to the reality of government...but too few are yet active

Those higher ups in society look at most of us as trash too.

For as long as I can, I'll speak out on behalf of all of us trash!

Thank you for your courage in speaking out on this issue. It is such a tragedy what happened to him and poor Charlie Gard. This is what the Culture of Death results in especially when paired with Socialist Medicine. We need to defeat this ideology once and for all so that Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans will not have died in vain.

It's Fascism as well... the eugenicists in Nazi Germany used to "allow" the unfit babies to starve to death!

People are waking up every day and that is what the deep state fears. SGT Report speaks of more folks being awake than ever before. We need to take back out land and people. Thanks @richq11

I might not be much of a writer, but I figure the more people that write about this stuff, the better. I might take a day off today, I'm pretty beat up. I'm working in one more post about this- how Alfie was murdered (he didn't die from his illness). My heart is sick from facing this evil day after day, but the Bible says God will never put more on you than you can bear.

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Wonderful post ..thanks for sharing...Best of luck friend ✫ resteemid

great writing

Awesome post!! Keep it up and check out THIS POST as well as I have something similar.

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