How To Be Productive With Less Than 4 Hours Of Sleep

in #life6 years ago

What's up gang?

I don't know what is it with my sleep schedule, but I either sleep till noun or wake up at 6 am. Not having a regualr job or any reason to be up early is a mindfuck. Anyway, today it was one of those days. 3 and a half hours of sleep for no apparent reason, other than a minor boner.


Excuse Me Sir, Do You Have A Moment To Talk About Our Lord And Saviour, Coffee?

  • Be Me.
  • Wake up.
  • Think you got enough sleep.
  • Look at clock.
  • 7 am.Went to sleep at 4.
  • Immediately a rush of tiredeness hits.
  • Get up. Get naked.
  • Slap face.
  • Shadow box.
  • Push ups.
  • Nothing.
  • Hop in the shower.
  • Cold water.
  • Dick is hiding.
  • Find dick.
  • Keep showering.
  • Feels good for like minute.
  • Look in the mirror.
  • Still hot.
  • Get dressed.
  • Forget to put underwear. Fuck it.
  • Make breakfast.
  • Pork corpse and pulped chicken.
  • Chug water. So tired.
  • Feel like you understand the world.
  • Get confused about that large white cold thing.
  • It's a fridge.
  • Nothing makes sense any more.
  • Think about childhood.
  • Random awkward high-school flashback.
  • Smell coffee.
  • Start coffee machine.
  • If you sit down, it's the end.
  • Look at coffee drops.
  • Count to like a billion.
  • Coffee is ready.
  • Take a sip.
  • Burn your tongue.
  • Feel hope.
  • Take another sip.
  • Still hot AF.
  • Tongue barely feels anymore.
  • Coffee feels like cocaine.
  • Chug! Chug! Chug!
  • See grid of math equations.
  • Probably solve Riemann hypothesis.
  • Have energy.
  • Life is good again.
  • Decide to do some work.
  • You don't.
  • Instead you lie down and listen to music.
  • Major mistake.
  • Get stuck there, like a rotten tree till 2 o'clock.

Be Me. Write In This Annoying Format. Fuck Me

Yeah, that was pretty much my morning. So the answer to our title/question: There isn't a way to be productive.

Okay, okay calm your tits. There's a way. See, I did most things right. Woke up and immediately started moving to get the blood flowing, pop my ears etc. Cold showers are a nice touch, but they can actually make you even more tired if you aren't used to them.

Breakfast on point. Bacon and eggs. Protein and fats. We don't want sugar or we crush even more. Coffee is life at this point. Space out your coffee, rather than drinking a third cup in 3 hours. There's a point of diminishing returns.

The key is to NOT stop moving. At all. After your first cup of coffee you should work to take advantage of the short-term boost. But when you start feeling like crap again, get up and move. Move it move it.
...or you can just take some modafinil and never sleep again. Cheers!

-Thatredbeardguy (still wired LMAO)

P.S- I am not a doctor. You should NOT at all take any drugs. You are a moral individual. Yes, people get ahead without doing drugs or cheating. You are obviously a pure, superior soul. Winners DEFINITELY DONT look for an edge. Yes, all these multi-millionaires don't do drugs that boost their productivity. Definitely...


Now What?
What's Up With Kanye?
Why No One Loves You


Get up. Get naked.

I'm confused, do you sleep clothed?

Can't risk to be naked. Far too many dangers lurking in the darkness.