A Burning Question from @rebeccaryan

in #life7 years ago

I've noticed quite a few new Steemers on Steemit in the last 2 weeks and I want to extend a warm welcome to everyone.


There is no doubt in my mind that you will all have a lot of burning questions as you begin to learn how the platform works.

I am happy to help and I know that many other Steemers are too... so please don't hesitate to ask.

In an effort to start a discussion on a topic that I find really interesting, I'd like to ask you a question and I invite you to comment with your answers.

How did you find out about Steemit, originally?

I can tell you that I first heard about Steemit from @DanDicks of Press for Truth and then, literally right after hearing Dan talk about Steemit, I heard Jeff Beswick, @dollarvigilante talking about it.

I came right to Steemit on that very same day, started blogging and haven't looked back since. (That was August 2016.)

I welcome your comments. Please don't be shy...

~ Rebecca Ryan


One of my friends @kaylinart on Facebook made a few posts about steemit and had me intrigued. I skimmed the site and found the blogs so much more interesting than the bull shit on Facebook and decided to join... Have only been here a day so I have a lot to figure out still, but am really excited to add to the community.

A big welcome to you too, @lovewild! Good for you for making the leap from FB. I know you will find this platform to be very deep in contrast to the superficialness that FB is notorious for. Your value will be recognized here. I have followed you. ;)

I am so excited and have already been reading some really amazing blogs. Thanks for following!

I am happy too @lovewild...that is one mistake that I made early on...
I stopped being consistent with my following habits.
That's one piece of advice I can offer. It is so important to follow and build new relationships with other Steemers. We all work together in pods, I have found...like teams.

Thanks you for the advice! Consistentcy may be a little tough for me because I'm working full time and start grad school this fall. But I am hoping to stick with this and get some really good experiences. I would like to build strong relationships with other Steemers!

OMG! I know this is hard, but if you can find a way by which to fit Steemit into your busy schedule it will pay for your education and anything else that you want to do in life. If you can, try to post something of your own at least once every 3 days. Any longer than that and you start to lose any momentum that you've built up. :)

Every 3 days. Hmm. That might be manageable. Thanks for the tip! I could sure use some extra cash, I really need to get more educated on the finance part of this. I don't have an understanding of how bitcoins and Steem power and all that works or where the money comes from. It's still a giant question mark in my mind.

Although I'm not new, I'll answer ;-)
My friend @fairytalelife messaged me multiple times about Steemit last July

Oh, I'm so glad you decided to participated in this little poll @natureofbeing!
I find it absolutely fascinating to analysis how we all found our way to Steemit.
So far Jeff (@dollarvigilante) is winning in the "driving membership" category.
Thanks for weighing-in and putting @fairytalelife on the board. :)

I came to steemit after @jacobts told me about it. It took me a few weeks to actually join though, now I wish I had started sooner. Thanks for the warm welcome!

That's cool @brevebronovan! I still think it's really early in the game. There is still time for you to make your name here and secure a strong reputation. I'm happy that took the plunge into the deep end with the rest of us. LOL!

An oldtimer will say, blame jeffberwick too for being here..bloody Canadians ;)

Wow eh!?! What a reach Jeff Berwick had on all of us. Thanks for weighing in on the subject old girl...lol I'm just joking @immarojas! I really happy that you answered my burning question. ;D

Giving that poor man his due :)

I'm not sure that I would describe him as "poor". LMAO!

Ahahaha definitely not lolsss

Combination of Jeff @dollarvigilante and Gregory M. @marketreport, love both of their YT channels.

Thanks for commenting @aaronc88! Welcome. Your another one of us , who was influenced by Jeff.
I have followed you and will help were I can. :)


Hello! Here since Jan and finally getting into the swing of things! I used to live out in Markham and Peterborough so hello Ontario! Happy to have found you.

Welcome @bellekaur! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Nice to meet you.
You've moved all the way to Malaysia...way to go!!! That's not an easy thing to do.
I have followed you and will look at your posts.:)

So kind of you, thanks! In Malaysia because I got stuck in an ugly immigration catch-22 visiting my parents, although i'm in the process of sorting things out (fingers crossed). It's been 3 years and I miss winter & Timmies! 😂 Malaysia isn't a bad place to be stranded, though it's no Canada.

Are you ok @bellekaur? This sounds like you haven't been able to leave Malaysia and your Canadian citizenship isn't being recognized...

Oh, I'm well not to worry (thank you!), just very irritated with the whole situation. Not a citizen but my husband is, I studied, worked and lived there for 10 years and have been visiting since infancy (the rest of my family's Canadian). Denied reentry visa on grounds of having strong ties in 2014. In the process of getting paperwork sorted but it's a waiting game (a long one). Which is where Steemit helps considering I had to give up my existing job and don't agree with Asian working conditions/hours. Hoping I get to come home by Fall and reunite with my husband so let's see! all very unnecessary, really lol but I suppose immigration know what they're doing.

That's sounds tough @bellekaur. I can't imagine being separated from my husband and stuck in a different country than him for 3 years. It must be completely nerve wracking. I can see where throwing yourself into Steemit 100% can make the situation a little more bearable. Best of luck to the two of you. ;)

It gets maddening, not gonna kid you. lol! we try to see each other when we can but it's so silly to have to go out of our way. thanks so much!

You're welcome.

Clif High from halfpasthuman.com has been mentioning Steemit as an alternative to YouTube's assault on free speech and the little guys way of life. Did lots of research and liked what I found about Steemit. Glad to see more and more people leaving the CORPORATE GIANTS plantation. Steem on!

That's very cool @dozjia! I was going to mention @clifhigh too. I've been following his work since 9/11. His work reading the collective unconsciousness of the planet is mind-blowing. He's predicting a gigantic move in physical silver just around the corner. I can't wait to see what is going to happen.

@rebeccaryan - Impressive! You are way ahead, I only recently discovered @clifhigh and now I'm gonna have to look into his works you mention. He talks about silver a lot in his reports. Very cool you're in the loop!☺

Well have fun @dozjia! Clif correctly translated the whole 9/11 attack a few weeks before it actually happened. I think his work is brilliant. I think the crash of the US dollar will start silver's climb, followed by some technological advancement that requires physical silver. Time will tell.

Thanks for the warm welcome, Rebecca. Im enjoying my first few days.
I was convinced by Jeff @dollarvigilante as well. I have been listening to him for a few years.
Now I'm a Steemian too!

Steemian, catchy word!
Like don't step in the horse "Steemian" or
those DC Politicians are full of "Steemian". Catchy :>)

Welcome @gypsydanger! That's really cool! I've been following both Dan and Jeff for quite some time too. I think there's quite a few similarities between Steemers, in general. It always amazes me. It shouldn't but it does. ;)

Thanks for the welcome! It's been my third day and I like it very much here. I found out about Steemit from @avilsd. He posted a video on YouTube about this platform. Since I'm interested in BTC and were searching for a place to post about my interests I was convinced easily :)

This is definitely the place for you @thecoach. There are so many great minds here that truly understand crypto-currencies. You will be mentally challenged here. The analysis that I have witnessed so far in crypto topics is very deep and complex. It's a group of people who really think. Welcome!

Your great and helping to newbies , i really appreciated for your cooperation.

It's no problem at all @how2steemit. I am happy to help were I can. :)

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