What I learned from having a stalker...

in #life8 years ago (edited)

For TWELVE years this man has threatened to kill me.

That's right folks, for over a decade I've been the target of a very sick person. 

When he first moved into my neighborhood, all I knew was he made me uncomfortable and l wanted as little to do with him as possible. I had no idea he would pressure me to date him, repeatedly ask me to be alone with him, or continually offer to be my sex toy (which made me vomit in my mouth every time he said it!). 

And I would never have dreamed that asking him to leave me alone would escalate things to the point where he would try to drive me off the road, following me everywhere I went, threaten to kill me, and then years later, threaten my children as well.

It boggles my mind that someone can have such an obsession. It boggles my mind that people can be that sick and not receive proper treatment. It boggles my mind that this is a common occurrence and many, many people have been through the fear and living nightmare that stalking brings.

Looking back, I wish I had been more educated. I would have done things different. So, in an effort to help others be prepared for what I hope they never experience, here's a list of what I learned.

1. Go with your gut! If someone gives you the creeps, don't let anyone tell you you're wrong or overreacting.

2. The moment things get weird, start documenting. It might seem odd, but I would highly recommend walking into the police station and getting it on record. My number one mistake was that I didn't tell anyone other than family. But when push comes to shove, you need a non-biased person to verify the truth.

3. Don't think you can reason with the person. Another mistake I made, I tried to tell him multiple times that he needed to go away. You see, even though I was telling him to buzz off and that I didn't want to talk to him, all he knew was I was talking to him. Tell them to go away once, and then completely ignore them after that. If you haven't done step 2 at this point yet, go to the police and get it on record that you've asked them to leave you alone. 

4. Call the police each and every time you get a note, text, call or visit from the person. Be a pest. The squeaky oil gets the grease.

5. It's normal to feel embarrassed or ashamed or guilty, but you have the right to be left alone. You have the right to say no. Embarrassment was what kept me from getting the proper documentation. Don't let that happen to you.

Have you, or someone you know dealt with a stalker? Do you have anything to add to this list? 


Yeah I've been a cop so I dealt with this but he was scared pretty easy and I don't think it even lasted a month, now I'm wondering if he came back. Since your took 12 frickin years to go away! Nice post

He hasn't gone away. I recently moved, so I haven't hear from him for about a year. But who knows when he'll make another appearance. He's not supposed to talk to me, but I couldn't get the police to do anything about it. They just kept asking if he was on my doorstep. Since it was a phone call, they took no action even though he was in violation of the protective stalking order. That happened about 3 months after my first husband died from cancer, so I was extremely emotionally on overload and couldn't handle being at the police station days on end begging them to care, so I dropped it. He called my mom about a year later and started the threats again. :(

Yeah I hate when I had to motivate my coleegues to care, guess it was another good thing I could always choose to care.

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