
Thank you i have thought about that before

I think it's only fair and will improve what this project is meant to be: exposing new people, but also helping them build their SP. I'd also consider sending SP directly [ converting the sbd to steem and sending as SP ].
Just my opinion obviously

I actually have no idea on how to send SP. One also needs a lot of SP for it to actually count. The project was initially made to expose new authors content that was hidden. In the beginning the posts which I had featured up on here didn't increase at all in value only recently have they been increasing. berni did come upvote the posts inside this post, twice, when I was still featured under @gavvet. Here is my belief on the matter of sharing the SD earned by this post:
I am going to relate it to a story that solves poverty. So similarly these authors are in poverty(they work hard and get very little for it)
You can give a person a fish(SD) but tomorrow they will need another fish, or you can give a person a fishing rod and teach them how to fish and they can be able to help themselves.
So my main aim and focus now is not to distribute the fish(SD earned on this post) but to get these people I am promoting a fishing rod (followers and reputation) this meaning that they can then help themselves. already i select certain authors from my daily pick and have them give me a post to post up for them on my account, all the SD earned from that post goes to them. This method of featuring allows them to be seen much more than the dailies. This being said, there is one flaw, not created by this method but by the community itself. Many users just upvote and don't read or go and look at the persons other articles, making it hard to get, these featured authors, a following. This at the moment is my biggest concern and aim

Thank you for your answer. But the flow exists and looking at the last one that mde 1200$ but the gems stayed at 10$ or so. It's a pity...I always read the gems and I did upvote a lot of them and also upvoted you for your effort and all that.
I have all the respect for curators and initiatives liek that, but they must work or else, what's the point?
A good question is this: HOW do we get more people to click on the link and not upvote blindly?
There really need to be a better way to do that. [ Maybe emphasize that at the start of the post?]

It's ironic in a way to make more than the gems you share.
Don't you think so?

there is a new update being discussed and hopefully will be implemented. this intern will fix many of the problems

really? is that about dan's latest post or do you know anything new?

my previous gems only made that much as berni upvoted it. I do find it frustrating that the posts I feature make less than I. But think of it this way their posts are increasing slightly as some of the people do take the time to upvote the posts which I feature. This being said that if this post is also hidden there is then no way that it can help these featured posts out. I have already looked at all the different views on the matter. Either way I look at it the upvote system has to be changed and so do the people on this platform. The main concern is greed and money. Most are just trying to get curation by upvoting. Slowly the gems are starting to work. but yes there is room for improvement and each day i sit here and think of ways in which i can help these posts out. Finding these hidden gems everyday takes a lot of time. shortest time i have taken was just under 4 hours longest was under 10 hours. I am very much open to suggestions. Thank you for all your input on the issue. I will definitely change some of the layout of my daily pick to hopefully get people to press the link not just the upvote

Thank you for that. I must confess I didn't know what to believe about you. I'm GLAD I didn't make any assumptions and I can see that your intentions are very positive and community -orientated :) I actually made a lot of friends by not basing my opinion on ASSumptious.

We can change a lot, but changing the people is hard. Everyone [ almost] responds to greed and money.

I will try to support any curation project I find that achieved its intended purpose.
Keep it up.

Friendly, raz

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