I'm getting paid to lose weight...and so can you[maybe]. Part 1.

in #life7 years ago

I was 80kg and felt huge, big, imposing. Than my friend told me I'm fat.

Than family joked "all muscles, eh?".

Than girlfriend wanted to sleep on my belly.

Than I took a honest selfie.


The idea of bulking in bodybuilding is that you need to eat big and lift big to pack on muscles but you know you'll also pack FAT. It's ok, sometimes in the future, you'll "cut". Which is exactly the opposite, eat less, lift heavy and see the fat melt to reveal the muscles you bulked on prior. In theory....

You bulk until you hate yourself. You cut until you hate life.

It's harder to cut because eating less, dealing with hunger, saying no to sweets and hamburgers and fries and other goodies is difficult. It's also inconvenient because drinking is a big no no when cutting, so you go out and drink you straight vodka or a glass of water while everyone seem to have fun.
Another weird thing is that people make fun of you:
"One piece of cake won't kill you!live a little..."
"Are you on a diet?!"
"Don't judge me for eating this donut!!"
You can't win with people, really. But anyway, all these are excuses in reality. If you really want to do it, you do it. It's only a little hunger after all.

My problem is not that I do not know what to do. I know it all, I read books on nutrition, forum posts, digested countless videos and could do it in my sleep: Count calories, eat less than you consume, lift heavy, suffer --> look hot!
Contrary to the popular belief you don't need to run like a junkie for that. Eating less is enough. But if you add cardio it can help to how fast you can achieve your goal...why waste 6 months when you can do it in 4?
Problem is: I hate cardio. What's a guy to do?

A solution is to do what you love and reap the side effects. If you really love to run, do that, If you like to swim, swim away! I...well, I recently turned my hatred of traffic, waste and pollution into love for biking. I jumped on it anytime I thought I need to get in my car. I was clocking 20km / week and feeling great but I wanted more. Still..I had nowhere to go.

He who has nothing to do, finds something to do.

Meanwhile, I thinking that riding a bike is such a powerful high. Beating traffic became my small win of everyday, laughing at the poor suckers stuck in their luxurious sedans listening to sad radio songs, advancing at snail pace while I zipped and zapped around them, what a glorious addiction! That's when I realized I should try to monetize this high. You know what they say, do something you love and you won't have to work a day in your life! But how?

Then faith struck.

end of part 1.

IF you like it, check back tomorrow with part 2 of my adventures in traffic, being sort of not fat and getting $$. And follow. And comment. And whatever else you want!!


The past months with working from home I noticed a hefty 10Kg topped what I knew my total weight was. The alarm rang (wifey) so I started being more careful. 3 down, 7 left to go :)

those kg are sneaky :D

you should cut but not until u feel hungry lol. in fact, protein should help you in this aspect.

i'm full of protein :D but hunger still looms...but..it is now my friend. i'll write about it :D

thats wrong in so many levels. you are actually damaging your metabolism. so if, lets say, you stop doing weights, you will gain extra kg immediately.

edit: this guy is pretty awesome. he got a PhD and he also has a blog if you want to learn more

dont worry. get some protein shakes.

haha. i stopped arguing nutrition with people so i won't start here :D it's ok, i know what i'm doing.

You big beefcake!! We still loves ya!!!

80kg and you feel fat? really?
I weight 78 and feel like I'm too slim... What I'm doing wrong?

depends on height. i'm 5'5

Fine, I should measure myself xD

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