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RE: How do I stay happy when I care so much?

in #life6 years ago

Ah, we disagree on a great many things, but that's cool. Disagreeing is all part of diversity :)

#1 I shouldn't expect. What if they aren't there in time? What if I can't count on them? What if my life is smooth and theirs is not? Friendships in my eyes is more than just having someone around I can use! It's someone I can be in their presence and enjoy being there. I don't want to expect anything from my friends. If they can't help me fine. I want them to help me because they want to do so, not because I'm expecting it!

#2 What if the ceiling falls on us though? What if the bank goes bankrupt? What if there is a nuclear attack? I always say be prepared for anything, but never assume. Assumption leads to mindwork you need not do. Act in the moment with what's presented to you, rather than just assuming things :)

#3 I won't give out money when we're in the shit. I'll give out money when we have more than enough. I've lost way too many friendships in the past to money. I won't let that happen again.

#4 Understand they have a story behind their actions. I didn't say accept their present actions :P


Thanks for your reply. I just want to respond to #1 "Friendships in my eyes is more than just having someone around I can use!"
I never suggested that! To me friendship includes many things, among which are loyalty and dependability, and that works both ways. I would never ever even imagine the word "use" in the context of friendship.
"I want them to help me because they want to do so, not because I'm expecting it!"
I wasn't suggesting otherwise - but if they do not WANT to help in a time of need then they are not worthy of the title "friend". just my 2 (Steem) cents :-)

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