Do Girls Belong on the Football Field?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

The short answer from me would be yes.

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I think women should play in men’s leagues and it should be a mixed sport. I actually don’t think sport should be segregated and think the idea that one gender holds an advantage over another is a bit ancient-like thinking. When we begin to think that one gender is disadvantaged over another then we play into sexist stereotypes that were held 40 to 50 years ago and beyond.

Come on, we’re far better than that.

Have you ever watched women play football? I have. Our school was one of the first in the county to allow girls to have their own team. In fact, our girls were so good that they had regular meetings and trainings from our local professional football team. They were stars in the area. The boys? Well, we always lost; our team was very poor albeit a few budding stars that went on to play professionally. The local professional team had no interest in us.

I’m of the mind that if we were to have our girls play the boys they’d have beaten us hands down, and maybe blindfolded. They were never allowed to mix with us, which was sad. I’ve always thought that was wrong. That didn’t stop their stars playing alongside us at lunchtime when those of us that had footballs at home brought them to pass the time. They were good, damn good. I can always remember Julie and Valerie running circles around most of us boys and being prolific when it came to seeking out the goals.


I hate the fact that it isn’t mixed. I feel slightly saddened that there’s still an aura of weakness when it comes to discussing women and sports, and it shouldn’t be like that. It’s sexist and it’s old style thinking; that sort of mentality belongs in a museum along with all the other Victorian bumf.

I’ll admit that I’ve not watched women play football yet on TV, not a full game anyway. I’d love to see it though, and I’d love to see them pull in crowds like they did when all the men were at war in the early 1900’s. Yes, I’ve read that women pulled in quite a crowd, almost 51,000 people before the banning of the game in 1921

On 5 December 1921, the FA cited strong opinions about football’s unsuitability for females. It called on clubs belonging to the associations “to refuse the use of their grounds for such matches”. The ban changed the course of the women’s game forever.

Sad, because I expect if that ban had not been enforced then I football would be quite different than it is now. Alas, it wasn’t to be, and after the ban was lifted in 1971 it has been very slow to pick up, and it’s not widespread as of yet.

There is hope though!

EA Sport’s game series, FIFA has recently introduced women’s soccer into its platform and I’m wildly impressed, the women are good! My only issue is that you can’t set them up to play with any of the male teams, but I guess that makes sense when you can’t really do it in real life anyway. It’s a step in the right direction though.


I didn’t even know about the professional aspect of women’s football until I played with some excellent American women strikers. I’ll admit, I was curious. I hope others will be too.

I hope this sparks off a progressive era in women’s football, where women can pick up a football and men wouldn’t think twice about what they’re doing. I hope it sparks up a discussion about mixed gender games and sets off a snowball effect of point-of-no-return moves!

I live in hope, anyway.

I’ve never viewed women as ‘the fairer sex’ because I’ve mingled with a lot of people and I know that they come in all shapes and sizes. My Father-in-law was over here when I was writing this, and even he, after a moment’s thought, agreed with me that sports should be more mixed than not.

I don’t think women are weak. When we segregate sports or even disagree with a gender participating then we create the false illusion that they are not as able, which through my experience is entirely false. I have been punched square on the nose by a woman before and it hurts just as bad as it would from a man, I shit you not.


Please. Let’s stop buying into these false illusions and appreciate games for what they are.


All pictures are courtesy of An open source picture distribution platform.

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Thank you for the information
The right of women to play football is a fun game

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote! I just ask for a Follow in return!

absolutely agree! However, I think we should have three types of teams: mens only, womens only, and co-ed, simply because I think the more options there are available, the better.

That makes sense :)

great to share.
thank's for info

nice post, thanks

I disagree with you. Men are bigger and with stronger bodies than women. This is indisputable.

For example in tennis, the Williams sisters are probably the best. Did you know they played against the man ranked 203 and neither sister stood a chance? Again, this guy was the 203 player!

You can read more on this article

Another issue would be, for example in football, you know sometimes there are impacts, a few days ago a player in England broke his leg! And today CR7 ended up with blood in his face.

So, imagine a football game where a man goes strong against a woman and really hurt her (not because she might be weaker, but because of the natural impact of the game)... well if this happens I am sure the whole world will start to bombard this man because he wasn’t gentle or whatever with the woman. So men would play with fear of hurting the women. This fear doesn’t exists when it’s men vs men.

Perhaps in the future, if we manage to have synthetic bodies, then there would really be no difference. But for now, there is.

I disagree with you there - lots of bigger women than men. Have you watched women's football yet? Some of those girls would run rings round men :)

Its definitely yes. Woman should be allowed to play anything they want :)

I fully agree Raymond, this segregation is outdated.

It is, isn't it? :)

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Very doubtful

Oh yeah, what a man can do, a woman can be better. Lol. Thank for advocating for women tobe given an equal chance in sports. Kudos bro @raymondspeaks

@raymondspeaks you feel football should be mixed? Are you kidding me? Are you for real like seriously? Wow thats funny though! Great post!

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