in #life โ€ข 6 years ago (edited)

Well today started out good, a normal day with meetings all day. Then I get the phone call that stopped my heart for a few mins.

See my youngest son was born with a heart murmur, basically you have a hole in your heart. A large percentage of people have a murmurs when they are born and it seals up over time. Well this isn't the case with my youngest son @sidewayzs13. He has seen the heart specialist every year since he was born. And today was his appointment. Well to say the least it did not go well. As of today, he is not aloud to play any type of contact sport and he has to wear a portable heart monitor for the next 24 hours. So tomorrow morning we will have to go back to the heart doctor so he can read the results. But for now boxing is out of the question, he will never be able to box again. Now soccer is the reason he is wearing the heart monitor, he had to wear it during practice today to see how his heart does. So tomorrow he may get more bad news.


Well today we also learned that the heart murmur is causing damage to one of the main heart valves. So we have to make a decision as to when we will do a heart surgery and have the murmur sealed up. This is hard, you never want one of your children to have to have an operation let alone a heart operation. But this murmur will end up affecting the rest of his life if we don't have it sealed.


You now some times you just have to take what God throws at you and run with it, my son is strong and very determined when it comes to life. But it doesn't help the fact that sometimes you just say, WHY ME GOD, WHY my child. Now I am not going to get all religious on everyone, but I do believe everything happens for a reason and we all have a pre determined road map that has already been mapped out for us.

So how does a father make his son feel better after a day of bad news? oh hell you guessed it, SILVER. So today on my way home from Birmingham I stopped by a shop that I have had good luck with in the past, and today was no different. I saw it as soon as I walked in. So other than a night out for dinner and a chocolate shake after words, he going to be getting this sweet little nugget.


This won't fix the problem at hand, but at this time it will make him happy and that's what is important to me.


Show your kids love everyday, be thankful that you can do this and always, I mean always cherish every moment you have with them.

Thanks for stopping by, I will keep everyone posted on how it goes tomorrow, and maybe @sidewayzs13 will do a post tonight about his new bar.(Gotta keep his mind off of things)

Have a great night,


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ย 6 years agoย (edited)

Yo Ray, i donโ€™t even know what to say man... i only have a couple years experience as a father but i already feel it down to my very core. I Would feed pirannahs so my sons had safe passage, and i know you would too!

Olโ€™ sidewayz13 is so obviously filled with the Brockman asskickery that iโ€™m sure heโ€™ll be just fine! Perhaps sad that he may never box again, but cโ€™mon! Donโ€™t beat on the money-maker Fatz! This young handsome mug has bigger fish to fry!

My best wishes, healing thoughts and support from another dad who feels this too buddy! I don't often pray... But i will tonight!


Thanks buddy, he is a young asskicker and he will manage to overcome anything that is thrown at him.

Ahhh man sorry to hear about that Ray. Hang in there bud, things will get better for your son.

Thanks grizz

oh boy... best of luck @sidewayzs13
hope your resoults woun't be that bad and the needed sourgery will go well!

I wish you and especially your son only good health. Hard decisions indeed.

Thanks BB613, diffently hard decisions ahead.

That's a tough time for you and your family, I and I suspect many others are praying for you and your boy! God bless and best wishes brother.

Thanks FE,

Hey man, my thoughts are with you guys. I have a lot of experience in this stuff over the last couple years working as a cardiac role as a nurse practitioner. If you ever have any questions about anything or need any clarification of whatever I'm here man.
Outcomes are usually very good for cardiac surgeries if that's any consolation.

Thanks Phil I am sure I will need some clarifications at some point, thanks for allow mentonreach out to you.

Aww Ray! Sorry to hear of young @sidewayzs13's heart condition. It doesn't define who he is nor what he will become in adulthood! I know the fear and worry that come with the decision to have surgery or not. It's good to get them stacking early. Big prayers headed your way...all will be well <3

Thanks Tamara, and thanks for the prayers.

Sending prayers, with modern medicine and great doctors everything will be ok. This condition can be helped with surgery and medicine.

Thanks FC, modern medicine probably won't be the answer for this one. Surgery is probably best.

I am sorry to hear about your son. You all will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Thanks for the prayers.

Man I am so sorry. My family will be praying for your son. My daughter had to have open heart surgery when she was 4 months old. That was hard. Stay strong! You will make it through one day at a time.

Thanks man! Is your daughter all good now?

She had three holes in her heart when she was born. They wanted to wait until she was six months old to do surgery but she only made it to 4 months and they had to do the surgery she was losing weight and not doing well. Right after the surgery she turned right around. Today she is a perfect little 4 year old. No other issues.

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