Day 11- Walk Barefoot, Even If For Just One Minute - 30 Days Mindfulness Challenge

in #life8 years ago


I've already invited you to spend mindful time outdoors on Day 3 of this challenge.

Today we go a bit further and use the healing powers of mother earth even more.

Depending on where you live, today's task might be possible or not for you. At the time I'm writing this, it's winter time in Romania and walking barefoot is out of the question for me.

But you might be living somewhere warm and sunny, who knows?

The benefits of walking barefoot

According to Dr.Mercola there are studies that show walking barefoot for at least 30 minutes is related to:

  • Beneficial changes in heart rate
  • Decreased skin resistance
  • Decreased levels of inflammation

Day 11- Walk Barefoot, Even If For Just One Minute

Ideally, if the weather allows you to, go in the nearest park, take off your shoes and walk barefoot on the grass or dirt paths. Get off the pavement. Be aware of the sensations in the soles of your feet, breathe deeply, enjoy the moment.

If you live in a part of the world where it's very cold and walking barefoot is not a pleasant option, try at least to go for a mindful walk in the park.

MindBodyGreen says that: "Walking also creates physical and emotional rhythms. Unlike running, which is by definition rushed and high impact, walking is gentle, nourishing and gives us space. We have an opportunity to work through the day’s events. In addition, even a light stroll releases endorphins. Most importantly, we breathe deeply."

During summertime, I take every chance to walk barefoot in the nearby park. I love the sensations in my feet and it does help me get grounded and centered. During winter I just go for mindful walks.

Try either one of these options today, and see how you feel.

photo source Unsplash

I'm a psychologist, intuitive coach, blogger and vlogger. You can find me mainly on my blog at Being Raluca where I write about communication, relationships, listening and sexuality. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @raluca.

Raluca Popescu


Yep, I definitly already walk barefoot more than 30 mins a day. Good to see other people recognize how awesome
It is!

Happy for you, I so wished I could do this where I live now :)

Thanks^_^ Oh is it cold were you live? Their are people that walk barefoot anyway :p

It gets bellow zero celsius at night and soon it will be like this even during the day. I'm super sensitive to cold so I'm gonna wait for the summer to walk barefoot again :)

Oh wow, It is extremly cold there! Wow, you being sensitive to cold probably makes it only worse.

Ive always read about being grounded and centered..what do they actually mean?
Grew up with bermuda grass in our lawn so am alway barefoot ;)

There you go, you're always grounded! :) So for you, this is like asking a fish "what is water" :) I intend to move somewhere where I can be always barefoot too, hopefully by the end of this year I will make the move.

Go for it and best wishes!
I live in london now but i do walk barefoot in the park during summer ;)
In the french movie Seraphine, i never did understand why she was hugging the trees.

Great to read about such a basic thing as barefoot walking really is. Thank you for writing this.

I don't wont to boast myself but ... We as a family are mostly barefoot for last two summers. That means from mid June to mid September.

Walking barefoot everywhere, even climbing on the hills.

It feels great!

So happy for you and your family that you spend as much time as possible barefoot. It does feel great, isn't it? :)

Thank you. Yes, it feels excellent. I always try to prolong the barefoot season for as long as possible :)

does this mean I have permission to fly to Florida??? I think it does :p

Go, go, go where the sun shines, girl! :)

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