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RE: Epiphanies About Caffeine

in #life6 years ago

Oh I am so happy I found your page and this post! I resonate with all of this.

I started to get off coffee about a year ago when I went on my first meditation retreat. Afterwards, I didn't feel the NEED to have coffee like I used to, but I had a strong DESIRE. So after a few weeks off, I got back on the train, but when I began drinking it again it made me so jittery and sweaty and anxious.

I stopped again for a bit, but oftentimes when out at coffee shops with friends it just seemed like a "fun" idea to get a coffee. But again, I felt sweaty and anxious and completely unaligned.

Then, like you, I made the switch to tea -- milky black tea (English breakfast with coconut milk and a dash of cinnamon) -- and it helped to complete relieve me of my coffee desires.

Now after about 6 months of tea drinking, I'm even off of that now! I used to wake up and immediately turn on the kettle to make some kind of warm, caffeinated beverage, but just this past month I started waking up and going straight into my morning practice of meditation and breathing before even going into the kitchen. And what did I discover?.... I am so much more vibrant and awake and alive without the caffeine! I've been changing my body chemistry with caffeine out of pure habit, but I'm having similar reactions as you. I'm realizing I'm not this anxious, busy, impatient person. I'm actually very calm, chilled, and at peace with sitting in silence, and getting off of caffeine, especially coffee, has helped me realize this.

Thank you so much for the post. Great read, and great topic. I encourage more and more people to challenge themselves to 30 days without coffee and see what they find.

Following, and looking forward to more great content! :)


Hi @rainbowrachel I saw you in the TSU discord. Welcome to Steemit! So cool that you got added right off the bat.

Cool caffeine story!

SO many people highly encourage meditation first thing in the morning. I'm on that hot caffeinated beverage train. And straight to my computer. I get to work straight away. I have made some good changes, however. Now I write first thing in the morning because that's my most creative time. I'll use your story as inspiration to know that I, too, am on my way to being a first thing in the morning meditator.

I'll check out your account now! ❤️ 🌈

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